Subject Code & Title : NRSG139 Integrating Practice in Health
Length and/or format : 1000 words +/- 10%
Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is to enable students to demonstrate beginning skills in critical thinking, clinical reasoning, clinical judgement, and reflective practice.
NRSG139 Assessment 1 Integrating Practice in Health – Australian Catholic University.

Learning outcomes assessed: LO1, LO4
How to submit :
Upload the reflection as MS Word document into the Turnitin link in the NRSG139 Leo Assessment tile under the heading “Supplementary Assessment Submission”
Return of assignment: Students will be advised via ACU student email account
Assessment criteria: Final grade for the assessment will be graded Pass/Fail. Criterion-based rubric will be used for marking (attached).

Detailed Description of Supplementary Assessment Task 1:
1.Watch the video vignette demonstrating TPR assessment (located in the NRSG139 LEO, Assessment tile).
2.Use the following NMBA Registered Nurse Standards for Practice (2016) from the ANSAT document: Standard 2: Engages in therapeutic and professional relationships.
3.Using Gibb’s Cycle of Reflection as a structured framework, reflect on the challenges that exist in engaging in therapeutic and professional relationships. Refer to the video vignette to identify positive and negative approaches demonstrated by the nurse. The relevant ANSAT Standard (Standard 2) must be referred to throughout your reflection.
4.You should cite a minimum of two (2) relevant academic articles to support your reflection.

Time student has to complete: One week from email notification.