Instruction: This is an individual assignment.
Weighting: 25%

Task: MTKG1392 Marketing Communication Strategy Assignment
Overview: For this report, you will be playing the role of a consultant who will produce a marketing communications report for a client. You will provide the client with strategic marketing insights that will guide the noted brand’s commercial success in Australia as well as contribute to building desirable and valuable brand equity.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Critically assess and apply integrated marketing communication theories and practices to identify appropriate target audiences, suitable objectives, and contextually appropriate communication approaches that build brand equity
2. Design ethically appropriate creative messages that reflect suitable positioning and which affect (target audience) behavior through integrated marketing communication activities
3. Evaluate markets in various forms in order to identify strategically appropriate communication channels that permit effective media utilization and planning
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Assessment details:
Congratulations! Mr. Desmond Carat, the Chief Marketing Officer at De Beers Diamonds has just appointed you to an important marketing consultancy in order to determine the best-integrated marketing communications approach for increasing consumer diamond sales in Australia.
Place yourself in the timeframe of the case study, December 2017.
Mr. Carat has asked you, using Australia as the context, to submit a brief marketing communications strategy report. This report will form the basis of strategic planning efforts to ensure future sales growth of diamonds in Australia. Mr. Carat has broadly tasked you with the following:
Understanding the Customer
• Knowing that Millennials are the logical target market, how do we reach them more effectively with a product that will resonate with this segment of the population? What product/s will appeal to them most? Determining the best way forward
• How does De Beers deliver a strategy that builds brand equity, affects consumer behavior and increases sales in the Australian market? Should De Beers undertake its own IMC campaign separate to the DPA or invest further in the DPA campaign or both?
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Your strategic report should contain, at a minimum (these are not in any particular order):
• a brief introduction that details to Mr. Carat that you understand the situation and key challenges he is facing
• a brief conclusion that clearly explicates to Mr. Carat the key actions that need to be undertaken in order to deliver sales growth in Australia
• a clear understanding and justification of the De Beers target market and optimal target audience
• a clear understanding and explanation of the consumer decision-making process
Assessment criteria: MTKG1392 Marketing Communication Strategy Assignment

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