MSWPG7210 Social Policy-Development And Impact Assignment-Federation University Australia

Instructions to students: This is an individual assessment.

Word Limit: 2500 words (+/- 10%)

Value: 45%

MSWPG7210 Social Policy-Development And Impact Assignment

MSWPG7210 Social Policy-Development And Impact

Assessment Task 1: Research Essay
To demonstrate an understanding of key theoretical constructs which underpin social policy development.

Rationale of the task: A research essay tests high order thinking, a capacity to examine, analyse, evaluate and develop a sophisticated argument that is well structured and well-argued and supported by literature. The skills you will acquire are: a capacity for high order thinking, the ability to critically analyse complex social theories and constructions, the development of research skills, and a deep understanding of values, ideologies and social constructs that impact the formation of social policies in a liberal welfare state.

Assessment criteria: MSWPG7210 Social Policy-Development And Impact Assignment-Federation University Australia

1. Analysis/argument (35%)
2. Structure and depth of research (35 %)
i)(20%) (e.g. flow, linking between sections, good paragraph structure)
ii)(15%) Depth of research (eg. Peer reviewed journals/books/chapters, critical and analytical works)
3. Clarity of Expression (15%)

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