Code&Title: MSWPG 7210 Social Work Assignment-Federation University Australia.
Word limit: 2500 words (A variation of 10+/- %)
Value: 40%
Assessment Task 3: Policy Brief
3.K5, K6, S3-
S5, A1, A2, A4-
Choose a contemporary social policy area important to social work practice and develop a policy brief to advocate for change.
Policy Brief 30%-45%
MSWPG 7210 Social Work Assignment-Federation University Australia.

Due Date: Three weeks after final seminar
Rationale for the task: This task addresses the following Learning Outcomes:
K5. Apply theoretical frameworks of social policy analysis to a particular area of social work practice, including mental health policy, social and economic inequities related to First Nations Peoples and Communities and family violence and;
K6. Apply relevant theoretical frameworks of social policy analysis to advocate for social policy reform in diverse practice settings.
S3. Determine the impacts the policy process has at the community, organisational, worker and service user levels;
S4. Develop skills to advocate for social policy reform in diverse practice settings and;
S5. Interpret social policy in relation to core social work values.
A1. Demonstrate an understanding of the key theoretical constructs which underpin social policy development;
A2. Critically analyse the social construction of social problems;
A4. Apply relevant theoretical frameworks of social policy analysis to a particular area of social work practice and;
A5. Articulate the link between social work’s core values and social policy.
MSWPG 7210 Social Work Assignment-Federation University Australia.

Details of task:
This task requires students to write a policy brief on any ONE chosen social issue which relate to an area of social work practice (including but not limited to disability, family violence, housing and homelessness, child and family well-being, poverty, welfare).
The format will be an abridged version (to allow for appropriate word count) of the social policy briefings prepared by the Centre for Community Child Health at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne. Students are encouraged to download the following policy briefs which serve as examples:
Pushing the boundaries: Using tele health to improve regional access and care
Child Mental Health: A Time for Innovation
The First Thousand Days – Our Greatest Opportunity
Further extensive examples are available
The Policy Brief will draw on current research and evidence-informed practice and explore:
- Key messages
- Brief introduction
- Why the issue is important
- What the research tells us
- What the implications of the research are
- Considerations for policy and practice
Assessment Criteria:
The course coordinator or tutor will assess this task. Students are to submit this task via Moodle, using Turnitin. Students will receive written feedback via Moodle. The criteria and weighting are as follows:
1.Capacity to situate the policy area in a broader relevant context (through the brief introduction) and articulate why the issue is important (reflecting understanding of current research literature on the topic)
2.Capacity to analyse and present THREE key themes within the research literature
3.Capacity to articulate the implications of the research in relation to the policy topic
MSWPG 7210 Social Work Assignment-Federation University Australia.

4.Capacity to identify and articulate consideration for policy and programs, showing strong relation to the broader context and research literature, and to succinctly distil the key messages of the policy brief
5.Please note: The marking of each criteria will reflect clarity of written expression, relevance and strength of arguments, cohesiveness across assessment task as a whole, and strict adherence to APA referencing.