Course : MSc Construction Project Management
Module : Property Asset Management
Word Count: 2,000 words essay with Harvard Style referencing needed!
Assignment Type : Essay
MSc Construction Project Management Essay Australia.

Assignment Brief:
You work for a firm of Chartered Surveyors who act for a private investor (the client) who is in the process of letting surplus commercial property space. The client wants to grant a new lease to an occupier on flexible terms, with a view to possible redevelopment of the property in the future. The client has asked you to advise on several points prior to placing the property on the market. The advice will be in the form of a report covering the points set out in the tasks below.
1.The client has asked you to suggest “heads of terms” for a new lease of no more than five years’ duration to include rent. The terms that will be eventually agreed will create a flexible lease based on the principles outlined in the RICS Leasing Code. This part of the submission will take the form of a schedule with accompanying notes.
MSc Construction Project Management Essay Australia.

2.Write a report explaining the basis of the repairing, rent review and user clauses in the lease,explaining their meaning in language that is understandable to a lay client. Support the answer with reference to case law.
3.The building is in poor condition and a prospective tenant has indicated that she is unwilling to take on responsibility for repairs after inspecting the property. In view of this comment, explain in a brief report how you would approach negotiations on the matter of repairs in a lease of this type.
MSc Construction Project Management Essay Australia.

Assessment Criteria:
1.Quality of advice and use of case law.
2.Understanding of lease clauses and their practical impact.
3.Quality of the advice on taxation and its implications for investors.
4.Clarity and relevance.