Title: Motivating young children to learn through teaching practices
Weighting: 30%
Length: 2000 words
Learning outcomes: 1 and 2
For this assessment you will need to:
Motivating Young Children To Learn Through Teaching Practices Assignment-Australia.

Examine contemporary educational psychology approaches and teaching practices to motivate young
children to learn.
Answer:- for the psychology approaches, you can pick two approaches. some of the approaches are (play based approach, strength based approach, inclusive approach, guided learning approach)
For the teaching practices, some of the important articles and journals are given below
1)programming and planning in early setting (8th edition)
2)the early learning framework for Australia :being, becoming and belonging
3)rights, respect and responsibilities online reflection and efficacy (Australian journal of
teacher education) 44 (3)
4)NSW education standards authority (2018). Australian professional standards for teachers
5)educational psychology (2nd edition)
6)Queensland government early childhood education and care (2019)
Justify the role of the early childhood teacher in motivating and engaging young children to learn.

Answer- for this question, some of the useful references are given below
1)link to theoritical perspectives
a)Developmental theories- (Piaget, steiner, montessori, gardener)-educator responding and planning
acitivities in children develop mental stages)
b)socio cultural theories- (Vygotsky, burner, bronfenbrenner, malaguzzi)- educator respond to and plan
activities in the context of children communities
c)post-structuralist (bourdieu, conella)- educator exploring different forms of knowledge and focus on
no absolute truth)
d)socio behaviourist (pavior, skinner, bandura)- educator focus on the shaping children behaviours
e)critical theories- (Habermans, frerie)- educator focus on curriculum that frames their certain points of viewand igone others
Motivating Young Children To Learn Through Teaching Practices Assignment-Australia.

2) link to Australian professional standards for teachers (AITSL)
3)link to national regulation
(reg74 ( documentation)
(reg 118 (educational leader)
4)link to Melbourne declaration on educational goals, 2008)
5)link to NQS (national quality standards) (1.1) (1.2) (1.3) (5.1) (7.1.1) (7.1.2)
-You can do more research on it and need to justify the role for this question