Overview of this Assessment
Word Count: MLL228 – 3,000 words maximum incl. references.
MLM716 – 4,000 words maximum incl. references.
Research Question: See below
Research Question:Identify and briefly outline the key technology changes that have recently been implemented in court and tribunal dispute resolution processes for matters heard in Victoria, both state and federal.
MLL228/MLM716 Alternative Dispute Resolution Assignment-Deakin Law School Australia.

How do you anticipate dispute resolution will develop over the next five years as a result of increasing acceptance of technology?
Discuss the potential effects of these technology related developments on access to justice.
Submission & Word Count
MLL228 – Generally runs 10-12 pages in length (a maximum of 3,000 words and a minimum of 30 references).
MLM716 – Generally runs 16 – 18 pages in length (a maximum of 4,000 words and a minimum of 40 references).
Ensure that you read all of the instructions contained in this document.
Learning Outcomes
Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) ULO2, ULO4 (and ULO5 for MLM716) Graduate Learning Outcome(GLO) GLO1, GLO2, GLO4 (and GLO5 for MLM716)
Guidelines for Completing Your Research Paper
A policy-based independent research paper.
Please see above re word requirement. As stated above, there are two different word limit for MLL228 and MLM716. Students must provide an abstract of approximately 100 words; the abstract should highlight the paper’s most important points and appear at the beginning of the paper. The research paper should contain the following four parts:
This part should briefly explain:
a. Why the topic is worthy of study;
b. What was already known about the topic concerned;
c. What new knowledge the paper contributes.
2.Literature review
This part should contain only topics which are directly related to the research in question. The literature review should:
a. Summarise the key concepts, theories and empirical studies while discussing their strengths and limitations; and
b. Explain how the literature reviewed in this part relate to the topic of the
student’s own study.
The last paragraph of this part should contain a clear statement of the student’s research questions and objective.
3.Methodology, analysis, and findings
This part should clearly explain:
a. What methodology is used to investigate the research questions;
b. What results are achieved; and
c. What is the implication and significance of the research.
4.Conclusion and implication
This part should tie everything together for the assessor.
MLL228/MLM716 Alternative Dispute Resolution Assignment-Deakin Law School Australia.

Please use the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (4ed) for referencing. This includes a need for a reference list. Both references and your reference list will be included in your word count. AGLC also explains how to include quotes from their research sources.
Marking Criteria
Your assessment is worth 40% of your final grade for this unit and will be graded out of 40 marks. Your submissions will be assessed according to a marking rubric attached to this document.
Submission Instructions,and Extension / Late Submission Policy
Your assessment should be submitted in Microsoft Word (or rich text) format – .doc, .docx or .rtf. Please do not submit your assessment in PDF format, Apple Pages format, or in any other format. It is your responsibility to ensure that the file you submit is readable. Files that are not readable will be treated as non-submissions. Similarly, take care to ensure that you have submitted the right version of the file (i.e., your final version, and not a draft version) and that you have submitted the assessment for this unit (and have not mistakenly submitted an assessment that was written for another unit). You are not able to ‘take back’ your submission and upload a fresh (correct) version of your assessment, however this should not be a
concern, as only your most recent submission will be marked, provided it is submitted before the due date and time. Any further submissions beyond the due date and time will attract a late penalty. Please observe the following format:
- You do not need to upload a separate cover sheet.
- Use IRAC (where relevant). Do not use IRAC as headings.
- Calibri 11 point font and line spacing of 1.5.
- Use the default margin (2.54 cm) on all sides.
- You must provide a word count at the beginning of your assessment. All pages of the assessment must be numbered, and your student ID number included in the header or footer.
- You must ensure that your writing, spelling and grammar are carefully checked and reach a satisfactory standard.
Extensions and Late Submission
To obtain an extension, you must email the Unit Chair (Athula Pathinayake) Extensions will only be granted for serious and exceptional circumstances beyond your control. Travel, computer failure and work commitments are not grounds for extensions. If you apply for an extension, you must include supporting documentation. Extensions will not be granted without supporting documentation or other evidence of the relevant circumstances.
Requests for extensions must ordinarily be made at least 3 working days before the assessment due date. Requests should only be made after this time where there are exceptional reasons for doing so. Extension requests cannot be made after the due date, unless there are highly exceptional reasons that prevent you from applying for an extension at the regular time.
MLL228/MLM716 Alternative Dispute Resolution Assignment-Deakin Law School Australia.

If an extension is granted, the period of the extension will be commensurate with the circumstances that have affected the completion of your assessment. For example, if you were affected by a medical condition for three days, you would expect that the extension granted would be three days. This means that if you submit an extension request, we do not
expect you to provide information to us that is sensitive and thus inappropriate to be disclosed, but we do expect you to be able to provide us with an adequate explanation of the circumstances that have led to your extension request. If you do not explain those circumstances, it is not possible to grant an extension, as it is not possible to make an assessment of the extent to which the completion of your assessment has been affected.
The maximum extension period that can be granted is two weeks.