Assessment 1: Individual Assignment: Social Media Marketing Content
Analysis and Content Creation (30% of the final grade)
Assessment 1 is in two (2) parts:
1.Analysing existing content (all content that uses Quest Joondal up brand’s hashtags:‘Analyse’ function; and
2.Creating content (one (1) post promoting Quest Joondalup onto the Social Studio Digital Hub Facebook page) using Salesforce Social Studio ‘Publish’ function.
MKT2805 Social Media Marketing Content Analysis And Content Creation Assignment-Australia.

This individual assessment is designed to refine and apply your social media marketing skills.
In week 2, you will:
1.Receive log-in details for Salesforce Social Studio
2.Receive detailed instructions on how to use the ‘Publish’ function on Salesforce Social Studio, to publish posts onto the Social Studio Digital Hub Facebook page.
3.Receive detailed instructions on how to use the ‘Analyse’ function on Salesforce Social Studio, to analyse social media activity around a specific keyword (such as a brand name) and/or hashtag.
In week 3, you will:
1.Do tutorial hands-on activities using the ‘Publish’ function, to prepare you for this assessment.
2.Do tutorial hands-on activities using the ‘Analyse’ function, to prepare you for this assessment.
In weeks 4-5 you will continue to do weekly activities designed to assist you with Assessment 1.
It is imperative that you attend the on-campus tutorials or (if you’re an online student) participate in the online weekly activities, online Discussion Boards and online Collaborate sessions, which will prepare you for this assessment.
Value: 30% of the unit
1.One (1) post promoting Quest Joondalup to be published onto the Social
Studio Digital Hub Facebook page using Salesforce Social Studio ‘Publish’
2. A MS Word document must be submitted via TurnitIn on Blackboard,
written in Arial, 10 font size, single spaced, and featuring the following:
MKT2805 Social Media Marketing Content Analysis And Content Creation Assignment-Australia.

- All wording in the post you had published on Facebook (point 1 above).This is a transcript of all the words you have in your post.
- A write up of your findings and recommendations in regards to the sentiment trend, media trend, influencers and key words, which you had obtained through your analysis of your chosen organisation for a 30 day period.
For more details, refer to the “Instructions” section below.
In Turnit In, please submit one MS Word document which includes all of the above requirements. This is used to check the originality of your work.
How to submit:
1.Use the ‘Publish’ function on Salesforce Social Studio to publish one (1)post on the Social Studio Digital Hub Facebook page.
2.Submit your MS Word or Adobe pdf document electronically, via
In TurnitIn, please submit one MS Word document which includes all of the
required information in two sections:
1.Facebook post transcript – Section heading title “Facebook Post
Transcript”, and
2.Analysis of # (hashtag) for your brand – Section Heading title “Analysis of
Unit learning outcomes:
- ULO 1: Generate creative ideas for various social media platforms and show how they can be integrated with an organisation’s online and traditional marketing efforts.
- ULO 2: Critically evaluate the role and efficacy of social media marketing in current marketing practice.
- ULO 4: Communicate effectively and appropriately using a variety of social media platforms in both local and global contexts.
- ULO 5: Use technology tools to manage and monitor social media marketing efforts in a responsible, ethical and practical manner.
Course learning outcomes:
- Communicate business knowledge, concepts and advice, persuasively and clearly, in both written and oral formats, using relevant technology [CLO3,AQF7 S4].
- Generate creative ideas for business innovations that respond to opportunities and constant change [UGCLO5, AQF7 A2].
Please view the recorded Assessment 1 Workshop session on Blackboard, read the Assessment Instructions below and the marking rubric on Blackboard.
In weeks 2-5 you will do weekly activities designed to assist you with Assessment 1.
It is imperative that you attend the on-campus tutorials or (if you’re an online student) participate in the weekly online activities, online Discussion Boards and online Collaborate sessions, which will prepare you for this assessment.
For this individual assessment you are developing, designing and writing one (1) Facebook post promoting Quest Joondalup and analysing its main hashtags using the Salesforce Social Studio online platform, specifically the ‘Publish’ and ‘Analyse’ functions.
Before you start, you must think about who your target audience is for your promotional Facebook post and ensure that you develop content that promotes Quest Joondalup and that it will resonate with your audience. It must be visually appealing, informative, and engaging (choose one tactic from the 4 E Framework covered in class when developing your Facebook post).
You will have an opportunity to refine your Salesforce Social Studio skills in your weekly activities. Attending, participating and completing the assigned weekly tutorial activities (on-campus or online),as well as the Assessment 1 Workshop session, will enable you to develop skills required in this assessment.
MKT2805 Social Media Marketing Content Analysis And Content Creation Assignment-Australia.

Your Facebook post promoting Quest Joondalup must meet the following requirements:
- Be published onto the Social Studio Digital Hub Facebook page using Salesforce Social Studio ‘Publish’ function.
- Apply one of the 4E Frameworks’ tactics (either Excite, Educate, Experience, Engage).
- Include an image created by you, i.e. ideally no free stock images; otherwise copyright must be referenced on the image “Copyright by ”.
- Include a written message consisting of no more than 150 words promoting Quest Joondalup.
- Be professional. You must ensure the post is well written, no spelling or grammatical mistakes, well organised, visually appealing, engaging and professionally presented.
- Include the following important information: Your name and surname and/or student number at the bottom of the post; and all of the following hashtags: #ECU industry ready project, ECU MKT 2805, #quest joondalup.
Your analysis of #quest joondalup must meet the following requirements:
- It must be no more than 1,000 words (excluding tables, screenshots, references etc).
- Must not be featured in the Facebook post; rather, it should just be included in the MS Word document as a separate section along with the Facebook post transcript.
- It must include the following sections:
o Overview of the analysis (explain which dates the analysis was conducted for, for which hashtags/keywords, and key findings).
o Media trend (explain what the media trend shows).
o Key word cloud (explain what the keyword cloud shows).
o Key influencers (explain who they are, why they are influential and what they are talking about).
o Sentiment trend (explain what it shows and cite some posts for positive and negative sentiment).
o Discussion of key findings and recommendation for Quest Joondalup: this is based on key findings and an explanation of how the analysis assisted you in developing content for the Facebook post (what are the key things that you had to consider when developing your post and what do you recommend for Quest Joondalup based on what the analysis shows). - Five (5) references. In text and end text referencing should be in APA style and are necessary to support your recommendations.
MKT2805 Social Media Marketing Content Analysis And Content Creation Assignment-Australia.

In TurnitIn, please submit one MS Word document which includes all of the required information in two sections:
1.Facebook post transcript, and
2.Analysis of #(hashtag) for Quest Joondalup.
TurnitIn will check the originality of your work.