This assignment is worth 25% of your final mark in this course.
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MIET2371 Sustainable Energy Fundamentals Assignment-RMIT University Australia.

1.Consider an air-conditioning unit in your home operating in heating mode during the cold months in Melbourne (i.e. June-September). The unit is used to maintain the inside temperature at your comfort level (your reasonable assumption). How much can be saved on electricity cost during this period (roughly) if the system is converted to a ground source heat pump?
Assume the following ones and make any other assumption as required to answer this question:
1.The power of the heat pump unit
2.Number of operating hours per day
3.Your comfort temperature level
4.Average outside temperatures for months June to Sept., during the hours that the unit operates
5.Cost of electricity (per kWh) on your contract
6.Keep the cost of system’s alteration outside your calculations
2.We want to design an air-conditioning arrangement to intake the outside air at 40 °C and 60% relative humidity and condition it into our conform zone for summer (make assumption for the desired condition in your calculation within the range suggested in available resources as the comfort zone in summer). Design the components of this system, show the process on the psychrometric chart, and roughly estimate the energy required to condition every 1 kilogram of this air (40 °C and 60%). Make the assumptions as required.
MIET2371 Sustainable Energy Fundamentals Assignment-RMIT University Australia.

Note that in practice, part of the already conditioned air in the room is mixed with the fresh air coming from outside. However, in this case you simply assume that all the conditioned air is made from the fresh air (at 40 °C and 60%) coming from outside.
3.The temperature at the Lower Convective Zone (LCZ) of a solar pond (hot water storage section also called LCZ) is measured to be 80 °C while the ambient temperature is 25°C. A Carnot cycle is assumed to use the heat extracted from the hot water storage section of the pond (at 80 °C) to run a power generation cycle while its condenser rejecting heat to the atmosphere at the surface of the pond (at about 25 °C).
MIET2371 Sustainable Energy Fundamentals Assignment-RMIT University Australia.

Assume no heat loss through the wall or the surface of the pond (this is not zero in practice) and also no more energy gain through the sun during the heat extraction period (i.e. night-time or cloudy period). At these conditions, the temperature of the hot water section gradually drops from 80 °C down to 25 °C (variable high temperature source), as heat is extracted by the Carnot cycle from the high temperature source.
Determine the work that can be extracted by this solar pond per kg of hot water stored in the LCZ of the solar pond.
Note: Have a look at internet sources to get yourself familiar with solar ponds