Subject Code & Title: LING1111 Phonological Analysis
Assignment Type: Assessment
Each question is worth 5 marks. That is, (1 a) is worth 5 marks, (1 b) is worth 5 marks, et cetera.
LING1111 Phonological Analysis Assessment – Macquarie University Australia.

Exercise 1:
Carefully examine the sounds [f] and [v] in Language X. Use the data below to answer the following questions.1 (10 marks total for Exercise 1)
a) Do they belong to separate phonemes, or are they allophones of the same phoneme?
b) If you conclude they belong to separate phonemes provide contrasting pairs and state what kind of distribution they are in.
c) If you conclude they are allo phones of the same phoneme, provide the environments, provide evidence of phonetic similarity, state what kind of distribution they are in and why they are in that distribution, and write a phonological rule.
Ensure that you use appropriate bracketing
[hasuf] sack [veref] blood
[fivo] suck [havu] ash
[vuse] water [lusov] snow
[saziv] wise [bataf] boot
[pseve] soft [fovani] cow
[bvasa] tongue [ɡizof] gadget
[lusof] wash [vafa] leg
f you conclude that they are separate phonemes, you will be answering questions (1a) and (1b). If you conclude they are allo phones of the same phoneme, you will be answering questions (1 a) and (1 c).
LING1111 Phonological Analysis Assessment – Macquarie University Australia.
Exercise 2:
Carefully examine the sounds [e] and [a] in Language Y. Use the data below to answer the following questions. (10 marks total for Exercise 2)
a) Do they belong to separate phonemes, or are they allophones of the same phoneme?
b) If you conclude they belong to separate phonemes provide all the available evidence.
c) If you conclude they are allo phones of the same phoneme provide all the available evidence and write a phonological rule.
Ensure that you use appropriate bracketing
[kato] cat [kemu] game
[papa] earth [pema] toll
[salo] this [tatemo] mat
[matu] elder [femalo] woman
Exercise 3:
Carefully examine the sounds [s] and [z] in Language G. Use the data below to answer the following questions. (10 marks total for Exercise 3)
a) Do they belong to separate phonemes, or are they allophones of the same phoneme?
b) If you conclude they belong to separate phonemes provide all the available evidence.
c) If you conclude they are allo phones of the same phoneme provide all the available evidence and write a phonological rule.
LING1111 Phonological Analysis Assessment – Macquarie University Australia.

Ensure that you use appropriate bracketing:
[sabu] tree [pomozui] flower
[tazam] far [kenso] gum
[pampus] become [tuzami] table
[mozensa] bold [sozilka] fish
[tuslam] sky [pursa] soup