LEA003 Personal & Organisational Leadership Professional Portfolio- Alphacrucis College Australia Assignment

Department: Ministry/ School of Theology

Program:  Higher  Diploma of  Ministry Program

Assignment type: Professional Portfolio

Assignment worth: 40%

Word Lengths: 1200 Words

Reference type: TURABIAN STYLE

Academic Reference: Minimum of  5 academic references ( References must be written in alphabetical order)

Assignment instruction:  LEA003 Personal & Organisational Leadership Professional Portfolio Assignment

LEA003 Personal & Organisational Leadership

Please work on the assignment instruction as required in the assignment tasks. The  require reference style for this assignment  is “TURABIAN Reference Style”  There should be title page,  introduction  and  conclusion to be included  in this assignment if possible.


Document your leadership experience, including application of the knowledge and skills you’ve developed, an overview of challenges, achievements and a reflection on what you have learned (1200 words).

Method : LEA003 Personal & Organisational Leadership Professional Portfolio

  1. Create a Professional Portfolio including the following sections:
  • Introduction – who you are, what your professional interests are, your goals and/or philosophies (200 words)
  • Credentials – vocational experience highlights, academic highlights or achievements, references, stellar evaluations, honours/awards (200 words).
  • Recent Leadership Highlights (last 2 years) – application of knowledge and skills developed in leadership, challenges, achievements (include presentations, public speeches, etc.) (300 words)
  • Teamwork or Collaboration Projects – highlighting YOUR work and contribution (200 words)
  1.  Write a reflection on your above portfolio contents analysing your experiences and achievements, what you have learnt/applied and what you still need to learn/apply. (300 words)
  2. Please follow and use the Template provided to write this assignment.
  3. The document should include at least two different references (footnotes) from the relevant lecture, textbook and/or one other leadership source. Showing how you’ve used and applied what you’ve learnt in this subject to your leadership experience. To achieve a High Distinction you will be required to reference at least five academic sources (textbooks, journals and Bible dictionaries).

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