Subject Code & Title: IRHR3040 Negotiation And Advocacy
The purpose of this group assignment is to assess students’ capacity to develop a research-based negotiation portfolio, as a basis to undertake effectively a major negotiation exercise. The marking rubric for this assessment is attached above.
IRHR3040 Negotiation And Advocacy Assessment- Newcastle University Australia.

As a group, you will develop a Negotiation Plan and Research Dossier, which will include the preparation materials for your negotiation, including:
Minutes of strategy meetings
Resource document identification including web sites accessed, reports consulted, journal articles and copies of these documents that were central to your negotiation preparation
Planning documents including your negotiation plan
Opening statement
Rationales for the roles for each team member
Decision rules (if used)
The dossier must be submitted in Week 10, after the major negotiation exercise. The weighting is 25% (dossier word limit is 2,500 words +/- 10%, exclusive of appendices and table of contents; this word limit is treated as equivalent of 2,500 words per student).
During the actual negotiation, the dossier provides each of team with vital supporting documents/evidence
Remember that you are not assessed on whether you 'win' the negotiation (although getting the best agreement is important). You will be assessed on your competence in preparing the Negotiation Plan and Research Dossier, based on:
• The quality of the Negotiation Plan
• The quality and applicability of the research conducted
• The presentation of the dossier, including its utility in the negotiation
NB: Please see Assessment 2 description and rubric via the Assessment tab in Blackboard.Organisation of the negotiation
Working in teams (as Management or Union), you will negotiate key parts of an enterprise agreement with your counterpart team.
IRHR3040 Negotiation And Advocacy Assessment- Newcastle University Australia.

The negotiations will take place in class on Tuesday 5 th October. It is expected that the negotiations will take around 90 to 100 minutes. If agreement is reached early, it is likely that one side has conceded too much, and their agreement may need to be re-negotiated (as determined by the Lecturer as arbitrator).
Arrangements beforehand
The Teams have been organised and roles (Management or Union) allocated. Background information / briefing instructions have been provided in Blackboard via Groups.
Out of class activity
Each team will need to evaluate their situation, determine their goals and their approach to the negotiation.
Prior to the negotiation, each team must prepare a Team Summary Sheet that:
i. provides draft clauses that reflect what you hope to achieve on each of the issues.
ii. for each issue, summarises the arguments that you will use to achieve your goals.
The Team Summary Sheet should be included as part of your dossier.
Your group will have to decide when, and how, to convey your opening position to the other side. (You may, of course, wait until you receive the other party’s opening position, before conveying yours.)NO negotiations or other contact (apart from conveying — but not replying to — an opening position from the other side) should occur until the formal session on Tuesday 5 th October.
IRHR3040 Negotiation and Advocacy
Semester 2, 2021
IRHR3040 Negotiation And Advocacy Assessment- Newcastle University Australia.

i) Provide draft clauses that reflect what you hope to achieve on each of the issues.
ii) For each issue, provide a summary of the arguments you will use to achieve your goals. (Imagine this as a statement that you will give to your constituents to get a mandate from them to negotiate on their behalf.)