INF60014 Database Systems Higher Assignment Help SUT

Required Length: 3000 words
Assignment Type: Individual

Overview: INF60014 Database Systems Higher Assignment Help

A literature review is an evaluative report of information found in the literature related to your topic. The review should describe, summarise, evaluate and clarify this literature.

The choice of literature for a literature review is important. While you may refer to any
published work, you should primarily focus on peer reviewed research papers. These papers can be found in the library’s databases. If you are not familiar with using the library’s databases the librarians can help. You should review a minimum of 10 sources.

Research Topic:
The topic of your literature review is “Unstructured Data: the why, when and how?”.

Formatting Requirements: INF60014 Database Systems Higher Assignment Solution

The report needs to be constructed professionally.

File format: The report is to be a Microsoft Word document (.docx) All figures and Tables
should be reported in the body and should be named appropriately.


References: All quotations, important points should be referenced strictly according to the
Harvard Reference Style.
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Faculty of Business and Law – Department of Business Technology and Entrepreneurship

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INF60014 Database Systems Higher

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