HSHM543 Information and Knowledge Management in Healthcare Assignment UNE

Written assignment 1

Weighting: 40% of the unit assessment

Word length: 3000 words

Notes: Essay

Task : HSHM543 Information and Knowledge Management in Healthcare Assignment

HSHM543 Information and Knowledge Management

In answering these questions in relation to your health organisation* you are to provide a critical analysis of your organisation’s level of achievement in knowledge management compared with those cited in the literature. Terminology should be defined and opinions should be supported by references from the literature.

(*Please note that students who are not involved directly with a health organisation are asked to provide their essay in the context of a health organisation they intend to be involved with in the future, or aware or knowledgeable of to discuss sufficiently in this essay. Please make a note of this in your essay to provide a context to your discussion)

It is expected your essay will involve and answer the questions below:

Knowledge context

  • What are the main products or services that your agency provides to the community?
  • How do you communicate this activity in simple terms to your workforce and community? Does your agency use models, stories, analogies or marketing tools?
  • Where is your most valuable knowledge located? Is it in accessible documents or in people’s heads?
  • What knowledge does the organisation need? What knowledge is critical for the health service outcomes?
  • How would you rate and describe the organisation’s current understanding of knowledge management processes and practices?

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Knowledge and processes (systems, practices, procedures and policies)

  • What are the key activities that assist and support timely information to be shared between employees (to improve services or to make decisions)?
  • How are your key information systems integrated?


  • Does the current culture reward knowledge sharing or knowledge hoarding?
  • Are workers skilled knowledge users and creators?


  • How is knowledge currently stored, organised and shared?
  • Do current work practices support the capture of explicit knowledge?
  • Do work processes include opportunities to share tacit knowledge?
  • What regulatory requirements will affect knowledge management? This may include privacy requirements, freedom of information, intellectual property, security or any legislation with information management requirements.


  • What systems are in place to support knowledge (for example, workflow, intranets, electronic records and document management, accessible and useable information systems)?
  • Where is explicit knowledge located and how is it structured?


 Written assignment 2 : HSHM543 Information and Knowledge Management in Healthcare Solution

Weight: 40% of the unit assessment

Word length: 3000 words

Notes:  Essay


Critically analyse the patient care information system as part of Australia’s information technology health care and the challenges it faces in its implementation.

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