Assessment 1: Discussion Posts
Discussion postings serve as key modes of class participation. Posts are a great way to demonstrate you have read and thought critically about course readings and the sharing of ideas with fellow students. Though posts are shorter and narrow in focus than a traditional essay, discussion posts
should be coherent and scholarly in tone. Think of a discussion post as a mini-essay, in which you want to have a single central argument and clear evidence to support that argument. It is important to keep the length of the post in mind relevant to the topic at hand. Discussion posts will show your
ability to find and retrieve relevant primary research and use in-text citations to support ideas.
HNB3123 Working With Evidence Assignment-Victoria University Australia.

Instructions are below for how to submit your posts as a drop box submission. Kindly refer to instructions below about the need to copy your posts with date and time as a mark of ‘0’ will apply if there is not evidence that you have copied from the VU collaborate discussion post site. If posts
are submitted on the same day, one of the posts will not be marked.
The unit learning outcomes assessed are:
- LO 2. Critically examine the relationship between research and improvement in healthcare outcomes
- LO 4. Search for evidence using bibliographic data bases;
500 words total (250 words per discussion post)
Week 1, Friday 12 midnight
Assistance for this assessment is provided in the tutorial activity scheduled in Week One. You will need to write 2 discussion posts – one for each of the following topics:
Discussion Topic 1:
Describe and discuss 1) a nursing and/or midwifery workforce factor and 2) a quality improvement initiative that influence the quality and safety of healthcare delivery. You may choose to consider key quality and safety factors such as avoidable adverse events and/or hospital-acquired complications.
HNB3123 Working With Evidence Assignment-Victoria University Australia.

Discussion topic 2:
Read the conclusions made in the study, Aiken et al., 2017. These can be seen both in the abstract and the section of the journal paper titled conclusion. In light of the conclusions made in the reading Aiken et al 2017: What are the implications of the results of this study for nurse managers and for bedside nurses?
You are expected to participate on at least 2 different days. Posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. Word totals for each post should be no more than 250 words. Whether you agree or disagree with the ideas in the topic, explain why with supporting evidence and related experience. Include in-text references. You may use a quote when appropriate. Be organized in your thoughts and ideas. Stay on topic. Provide evidence of critical,thinking and thoughtfulness in your responses. Avoid summarizing. Contribute to the group by being creative in your approaches to topics, being relevant to the presented viewpoints, and attempting to motivate the discussion. Be aware of grammar and sentence mechanics. Use proper etiquette. Remember that being respectful is critical.
Please remember that the values of mutual respect that is part of this unit of study extends into the virtual classroom environment. Participation in these discussion boards is required. Participation alone is not enough; a thoughtful and meaningful approach in your posts is required.
For this assessment you must copy and paste content from the contributions that you posted to the on-line discussion group. You will need to copy and paste your 2 posts from the discussion areas, including the date and time of your post to a word document. Your submission will not be marked if you do not copy your posts from the VU collaborate site showing the date and time. If your posts are on on the same day, only one post will receive marks.
This assessment should include a header with your name and unit of study. You should upload your word document to the Assessment 1 Dropbox in VU Collaborate. Evidence from primary research should be cited in-text. Supply all references cited as references in APA format at the end of posts and these do notform part of the word limit. We expect you to show use of in-text referencing using appropriate primary research (evidence). Be sure you understand what is meant by primary research and check with your tutor.
For the posts above, you will be assessed on the following criteria:
1) that you have examined the relationship between research and improvement in health care outcomes, and that you have
2) searched for evidence using databases.
Note that marks are not allocated for formatting and spelling/grammar.
For this assessment you must copy and paste content from the contributions that you posted to the on-line discussion area. You will need to copy and paste your 2 posts from the discussion areas, including the date and time of your post to a word document.
HNB3123 Working With Evidence Assignment-Victoria University Australia.

This assessment should include a header with your name and unit of study. You should upload your word document to the Assessment 1: