HLTENN004 Nursing care plan Assignment Australia.

Unit/Module Code HLTENN004
Title Implement, monitor and evaluate nursing care plans
Task Title Written assessment
Elements / Learning outcomes:For successful completion of this assessment students demonstrate:
 Implementation of care procedures to meet identified needs
 Monitoring a person’s identified needs
 Evaluating outcomes of care provided
HLTENN004 Nursing care plan Assignment Australia.

HLTENN004 Nursing care plan Assignment Australia.

Task overview:
This assessment consists of two-parts- Read case study and complete:
 Part A: Implement and monitor care plan
 Part B: Evaluation of a care plan

Assessment conditions

  • This assessment will be completed as directed by the educator
  • The due date of this assessment is listed at the top of this page
  • The student must complete their assessment using the templates provided


  • Textbook and other learning resources
  • My learning resources

How to submit Upload a completed copy of this assessment document to My Learning by the due date.

Assessment instructions and criteria
With competency based assessment all assessment requirements for each assessment task must be assessed as satisfactory (S) for a competent (CA) result to be recorded. If an assessment result for any task is assessed as not satisfactory (NS) a re submission will be required for the outstanding (NS) assessment task.


Part A: Implement and monitor care plans
Record the details of two care plans implemented and monitored See Part A for further details.

Part B: Evaluation summary
Complete the template evaluating the outcome of care provided in one of the care plans completed in Part A See Part B for further details.

Criteria that you will be assessed on
Your ability to:

  • Implement care procedures to meet identified needs
  • Monitor a person’s identified needs

Your ability to:

  • Monitor a person’s identified needs
  • Evaluate outcomes of care provided

Part A: Implement and monitor care plans
Case Study:
Name: Ms. Jenny Long
DOB: 09/02/1951
New resident of Dementia Specific Unit, West side Aged Care Facility
Single, Under the Australian Guardianship and Administration Council protection

Medical Background-

  • Ischemic heart disease (IHD) since 2005, takes Nitro-glycerine patch, daily
  • In 2011 – diagnosed with severe dementia – able to understand simple instructions only, confused and disorientated
  • Osteoarthritis of both knees 20 yrs. Voltaren Gel to both knees BD
  • Muscular weakness of both upper extremities
  • Chronic constipation, takes Laxatives PRN
  • No allergies to medication or food
  • Increased appetite– usually eats full portion of offered meals x 3 times daily and, also, goes into other residents’ rooms and eats their food as bananas, biscuits or lollies
  • Weight gain 10 kg over the last 5 months, current weight 106 kg (BMI of 30)
  • Diabetes mellit us (type 2) since 2000 – on a diabetic diet
  • She feels very fatigued during activities of daily living

Social History

  • No friends
  • Lack of interests, but likes colouring and watching TV
  • High emotional dependence on nursing staff
  • Non-smoker, no use of alcohol or illegal drugs

HLTENN004 Implement monitor and evaluate nursing care plans Assignment-Bendigo Kangan Institute Australia.

HLTENN004 Nursing care plan Assignment Australia.

You are an Enrolled Nurse at the Dementia Specific Unit. Using the information in the case notes complete care plan and questions for this client.

Using the template provided, compile a summary that evaluates the implementation, monitoring and outcomes of the care plans detailed in Part A. Complete each section of the template.

1.Provide details of how ongoing assessment of the patient/resident is maintained – e.g. observation, monitoring equipment and devices. What is the outcome of this?

2.Describe how you prioritise the patient/resident’s urgent needs with other work activities?

3.Explain how you handle any concerns about the patient/resident’s condition or behaviour. Who did you report these concerns to? Give example of policies in regards to this?

HLTENN004 Nursing care plan Assignment Australia.

HLTENN004 Nursing care plan Assignment Australia.

4.List the other team members you consulate and collaborate with in providing care to the patient/resident. Describe the outcomes of this collaboration?

5.Provide an evaluation of how the patient/resident progress towards their nursing goals outlined in the care plan after care was provided. What changes can be made to the nursing care plan after care was provided?

Assessment instructions and criteria
With competency based assessment all assessment requirements for each assessment task must be assessed as satisfactory (S) for a competent (CA) result to be recorded. If an assessment result for any task is assessed as not satisfactory (NS) a re submission will be required for the outstanding (NS) assessment task.

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