Information Sheet with FAQs to educate the public about a choice of one of the below medical conditions:
• Osteoarthritis
• Osteoporosis
• Psoriasis
• Muscle spasms and cramps
Individual/Group: Individual
Length: Double sided A4 for each Information Sheet
Weighting 30%
HLEW2001 Body Systems And Disease Assignment-Laureate International University Australia.

Learning Outcomes:
S LO 2 Identify and describe the major components of the human body and explain the structure, function and basic homeostatic mechanisms of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
S LO 4 Identify the common non-communicable diseases that affect the major systems of the body
This assessment creates a link between identifying and describing the major components of the human body, and the basic concepts and terminologies associated with major body systems and disease.
Anatomical and medical language needs to be understood, integrated and translated into client friendly language to assist with effective communication in a community health environment.
1.Do some research on the disease or medical condition of your choice.
Choose from topics listed below:
• Osteoarthritis
• Osteoporosis
• Psoriasis
• Muscle spasms and cramps
2.Consider how this disease or medical condition will need to be self-managed by an individual who has been diagnosed with the condition.
3.Consider how the individual with the chosen disease or medical condition will need to modify any leisure or sporting activities.
4.You have been approached by your employer to educate the public about the disease or medical condition and you have decided to create an informative Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) handout.
HLEW2001 Body Systems And Disease Assignment-Laureate International University Australia.

a. Include the following criteria on your handout:
1.A definition of the disease or medical condition that is clear and easy to understand so avoid using too much medical terminology.
2.A description of what usually causes this disease or medical condition (referred to as the aetiology of the disease).
3.If there is a specific demographic of the community who experience this condition; include the age group or gender that is more likely to experience challenges with the disease or medical condition.
4.Include any common treatment approaches to assisting an individual with the disease or medical condition. This could include also lifestyle modifications such as a dietary recommendation, exercise recommendations, appropriate rest or use of heat and cold therapies, and low cost support that could be purchased from the chemist.
5.Include your references and remember to please use the appropriate referencing style as outlined in the APA 6th Edition.
HLEW2001 Body Systems And Disease Assignment-Laureate International University Australia.

Submission details:
Submit final information sheet under Assessment 2 Part A link via Assessment in main navigation menu in the Blackboard subject site.Please also submit your assessment to Turnitin as well, via the Turnitin: Self-Check your Assessment Integrity on the left hand side on your Blackboard subject page.
The Learning Facilitator will grade your submission and results can be found under My Grades.