HI6008 Business Research Proposal Assignment-Holmes Institute Australia

Instruction to students: This is an individual Assignment.

Task: HI6008 Business Research Proposal Assignment

HI6008 Business Research Proposal

For this assessment, students are expected to present a written research proposal that is based on the literature review and demonstrates their understanding of business research/research paradigm.

Based on their literature review, students are required to write a business research proposal outlining the details of the proposed research project that addresses the gaps identified in literature . Derived from the business topic, the proposal needs to include clearly state research questions (primary and secondary), and provide a solid research methodology that supports the feasibility of the research project.

Marking Criteria: HI6008 Business Research Proposal Assignment-Holmes Institute Australia

Marking criteria of the research proposal include: the justification of the research questions that operationalize the research topic; the demonstration of a detailed research methodology addressing research instrument, sample size and sampling approach , research location/s and schedule as well as providing a critical assessment of the limitations of methodology and the expected outcome of the research project.

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