Explain How Different of Theorises of Ageing Are Integrated Essay.

Subject Code & Title : Explain How Different of Theorises of Ageing Are Integrated
Assignment Type : Essay
Word Count: The maximum permitted length is 3,000 words (excluding the title, abstract, tables, figures, in text citations, legends, reference lists and appendices); essays longer than 3,000 words will be penalised by the deduction of 1 mark per 200 words (or part thereof).You MUST display a word count at the end of your essay and misrepresentation of the number of words will be treated as academic misconduct.
Note: please make sure you answer the question correctly by explaining how these theorises are integrated
Explain How Different of Theorises of Ageing Are Integrated Essay.

Explain How Different of Theorises of Ageing Are Integrated Essay.

References: Harvard style Most of the reference must be from primary articles for 3000 words essay my supervisor looking for at least 50 references.

Tables and figures : You are permitted to subdivide the text into appropriate sections with headings, be considerate of having so many sections that your text is unduly fragmented. Use of tables and figures is permitted, these should be clearly described and appropriately referenced with a relevant figure legend.

pleases make a strong introduction and add what u think is good for intro Note: this what I think but feel free to add any thing for introduction as you know more than me
2.History of aging.
3.hall marking of aging history of these theorises
4.At the end of introduction please make sure you write the aim of the essay.

Note: this what I think but feel free to add any thing for introduction as you know more than me

Explain How Different of Theorises of Ageing Are Integrated Essay.

Explain How Different of Theorises of Ageing Are Integrated Essay.

Main Body :
1.Make sure you focus in explaining the tittle how the different theorises of ageing are integrated.
2.You must focus how they are integrated to each other by giving several examples
3.For example in one paragraph explain how telomere theory are integrated with free radicals then support it with article study agree with that and another study against that.
4.For example in one paragraph how Telomere theory and DNA damage are integrated then support it with article study agree with that and another study against that.
5.For example in one paragraph how Free radicals and DNA damage are integrated then support it with article study agree with that and another study against that.
6.For example in one paragraph how DNA damage with SASP theory are integrated .
7.Then a paragraph to link all theories to cell Senescence.
8.Feel free to add any other comparisons of other theories .

Explain How Different of Theorises of Ageing Are Integrated Essay.

Explain How Different of Theorises of Ageing Are Integrated Essay.

Note: This all my understanding for question as you are expert you might have a better way of doing it as long as you answer the question of the essay which is Explain how the different theorises of ageing are integrated. So please focuses in answering the question and giving examples of how different theorises of aging are integrated.

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