Subject Code and Title :- EMP603 Education Major Project A
Assessment :- Assessment Task 2: Literature Review
Individual/Group :- Individual
Length :- 1750 words
Weighting :- 30%
EMP603 Education Major Project A Assessment 2 Literature Review – Torrens University Australia.

Context :-
In this assessment task, you will continue to investigate the issue or problem of practice that you have identified in your first assessment task. Focussing on the overarching question and supporting questions to guide your literature search, you will critically examine and evaluate relevant research and literature. Your critique of the literature will inform your understanding of the issue or problem of practice that you intend to investigate.
This assessment task enables you to interrogate relevant research and literature that will inform your scholarly investigation and enable you to refine your guiding questions further.
Instructions :-
This assessment task requires you to conduct a systematic literature search, investigating the elements/concepts that underpin the questions that will guide your investigative project (see Assessment Task 1). You will write a critical literature review that will inform the design and direction of your investigative project.
To begin, you will need to break down your overarching and guiding questions into their component parts. In other words, you will identify the underlying concepts and elements that you will be investigating over the course of your project. The questions and their underlying elements will guide your search of the literature.
The next step is to conduct a search for existing literature that will inform your investigation. To do this, you will explore the library and scholarly databases to conduct a systematic search of literature and research that address the concepts and questions that underpin your investigation. You will need to read the literature with a critical eye,identifying:
EMP603 Education Major Project A Assessment 2 Literature Review – Torrens University Australia.

1. Relevant conclusions or findings that are highlighted in the literature
2. Areas where the authors agree
3. Aspects where there is disagreement
4. Gaps that the literature has not yet addressed
Make sure that you keep systematic notes on your readings, including quotes (with the page number), observations and questions about the researcher’s claims and ideas, etc. Your online personal learning journal may be a good place to keep these notes.
You will then write the critical literature review that will provide a scholarly platform for your own investigation. Your critical literature review should be structured in the following way:
1.Introduction and background (introducing the topic and why you are investigating it).
2.Identifying the issues and component parts of your topic
3.Critical analysis of the literature relating to your topic
4.Conclusions (drawing it all together and pointing towards your own scholarly investigation of practice, expressed through your overarching question and guiding questions)
You will be assessed based on your critique and evaluation of the existing research and literature that underpin your scholarly research project. Please see the attached rubrics for the marking criteria.
Submission Instructions :-
You will need to submit a written literature review via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in EMP603 Education Major Project A. You will be provided with feedback via Grade Centre in the LMS portal and viewed in My Grades.
EMP603 Education Major Project A Assessment 2 Literature Review – Torrens University Australia.

The criteria for this assessment task have been broken down into individual elements and represented in the rubric below. This rubric may be different from the ones you have worked with previously, so it is important to understand why it has been constructed this way, how it works, and how you can utilise it to develop your academic skills. With this in mind, please look through the resources that are posted in the assessment area in our subject site.