Subject Code & Title : EDU10024 Academic Skills For Success
Word limit : 1500 (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 50%
Assessment Type: Assignment 3 Essay
After you have read this information, head over to the Assignment 3 Q&A discussion board to ask any questions and see what your peers are saying about this assignment.
EDU10024 Academic Skills For Success Assignment 3 Essay – Swinburne University Australia.
Assignment Overview :
In this assignment, you will plan and prepare an informed response to your chosen essay question from Assignment 2: Article analysis. This is your opportunity to explore in some depth an important issue in contemporary Australian life. The essay questions are:
1.Topic 1 Family structure: The idea of family has changed a lot in recent decades. What are some of the factors that have brought about these changes? Is society better off for the changes that have occurred?
2. Topic 2 Family and work: Advocates of mobile technology say that it has helped solve the problems of work-life balance for employees in Australia. How much is this true?
3. Topic 3 Family and technology: Mobile technology has changed the way families relate to each other. What are some of the more significant patterns that have been identified? Are these changes for the better?
4.Topic 4 Family and relationships: There has been a lot of discussion about the impact COVID-19 restrictions and lock downs have had on relationships. What are some of the significant impacts on family and relationships? Do you see any positives to have come from this time?
You are required to choose one side of your chosen topic and discuss it by providing details and evidence from the articles you have selected.
It is intended that the assignment will be completed over a period of four to five (4–5) weeks, with the support of the skill development activities in Weeks 2–7. To help break down and demystify the essay writing process, skill development activities in Weeks 2–7 will guide you through the planning, structure and composition of your response in manageable components. You will receive feedback from your e LA along the way to guide you and help refine your essay.
Related learning outcomes:
This assignment assesses unit learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Assignment Details :
This assignment asks you to take an informed position on your selected essay question from Assignment 2: Article analysis. This means you will need to pick a side and argue for your position, using the research you have found to support your argument.
EDU10024 Academic Skills For Success Assignment 3 Essay – Swinburne University Australia.
The following steps will help you get started on your essay.
Step 1: Getting started :
You should already be familiar with your chosen essay topic given that you researched the topic and analysed three relevant articles for Assignment 2: Article analysis. The activities and discussions that you have been completing between Weeks 2–7 have been helping you build your essay and academic writing skills. Visit Assignment 2: Activities, discussions and outcomes for a full list of the activities, discussions and their contributions (outcomes) to your essay. If you feel that you still need some assistance with essay writing, you should revisit the following activities and discussions.
Activities, discussions and outcomes (2018) created by Swinburne Online
Hint: If you find yourself stuck on searching the library, you might like to revisit 2.8 Discussion 3: Searching the library for some ideas.
Step 2: Build your essay :
When preparing to answer an essay question, it is important that you understand it well.Therefore, your first step should be to underline key words and identify their function.
Your essay plan should be divided into sections and provide a brief outline of what will be included in each—by either using dot points or normal prose. Structurally you should include: introduction
2. up to six points
3. a conclusion.
Consider what points you wish to make on the topic, what reliable evidence supports these points and how these points relate to your essay topic when writing your essay.Refer to the Essay writing guide (Links to an external site.) as you start building your essay.
Step 3: Finalise and submit your essay
Take a break before you review your draft and then, using a printed copy of your work, read out loud or get someone else to read your work for you. Additionally ensure you double check your grammar and spelling before you submit.
If you have completed your essay draft with a few days to spare, it would be worthwhile submitting your draft to Studiosity to receive some feedback. Remember, Studiosity can take up to 48 hours to provide feedback, so ensure that you have left adequate time to apply the feedback and submit your essay on time.
Ensure that you reference articles in your essay with appropriate in-text citations and a reference list, using either Swinburne Harvard or APA style. It is recommended that you choose the style most relevant to your discipline to help you practice for later units.Courses and styles are listed in the following table:
EDU10024 Academic Skills For Success Assignment 3 Essay – Swinburne University Australia.
Supporting resources :
The following resources may help in the preparation of your essay:
1. Assignment 3: Essay writing (Links to an external site.) podcast.
2. APA and Swinburne Harvard referencing tool (Links to an external site.).
3. APA style referencing guide (Links to an external site.).
4. Swinburne Harvard style referencing guide (Links to an external site.).
5. Essay editing checklist (PDF 217 KB) Download Essay editing checklist (PDF 217 KB).
6. A sample essay (PDF 186 KB) Download A sample essay (PDF 186 KB) based on Activities 4.8, 5.8 and 6.5.
7. Podcast essay example (DOC 37 KB) Download Podcast essay example (DOC 37 KB).
8. Understanding Assessment criteria, marking guides and rubrics (PDF 177
KB) Download Understanding Assessment criteria, marking guides and rubrics (PDF 177 KB).