This task is your educational inquiry – a literature review of 30 (minimum) quality peer reviewed articles. This task builds on your AT 1 Professional Project Plan. You can use the same five articles from AT 1, or replace any or all of the five articles with new quality peer reviewed articles. You must not copy sections of AT 1 (or any other unit you may have done) into AT2 as this is self-plagiarism.This is a literature review, so the requirement is to synthesise a minimum of 30 quality peer reviewed articles.
EDF5691 Educational Inquiry Project Assignment-Monash University Australia.

You are to determine the structure and all headings and subheading used in your literature review. The headings used below in the task outline are a guide only. E.g. you will not a heading of the body of the review, instead you will use your themes and sub- themes as headings and sub-themes.
Please note, this educational inquiry project is not:
• a professional project plan, so do not repeat the structure of AT 1,
• to be a description of 30 articles, it must be a synthesis of the ideas in the articles,
• requiring any form of data collection other than the reading and synthesising of the published research articles. Under no circumstances are you to conduct interviews, conduct a survey or collect any information from other people. You do not ethical clearance to conduct research on any people.
Your introduction should include:
• An introduction to the inquiry.
• Your inquiry question (remember to phrase this as a question).
• Why the inquiry question is important to you both professionally and academically. This can draw on AT1 but must not be a copy and paste. Your thinking should be more refined by now.
• A “map” of the paper – specifically a paragraph of writing that presents to the reader what will be covered in the literature review.This is not a concept map or diagram.
EDF5691 Educational Inquiry Project Assignment-Monash University Australia.

Inquiry approach
This section should include:
• The scope of the inquiry and any constraints that might exist – what did you include and why? E.g. confined to one country, or global? One school sector/age group? Practical issues when exploring the literature, access to references etc.
• The resources and search terms used to identify relevant literature as per library search
• Discussion of how the literature was analysed to identify your chosen themes e.g. use of table, concept map, how you created themes etc.
• Each section will demonstrate a synthesised understanding of each theme related to your inquiry question. A ‘theme’ implies a common idea across many of the articles, not just 2 or 3 articles. If you have 5 or 6 themes it is probably too many. Try to reduce to 3 or 4 themes of overarching ideas/concepts
• At least one of your themes must relate to the methods used to explore the problem or issue. This theme presents the common/unusual/interesting methods used by researchers in your field. Do not be descriptive. The idea is to draw some conclusions about how researchers who are interested in the same topic as you, go about their research. This might suggest some future research approaches too (e.g. if small-scale studies based on 1-1 interviews were mostly used, you might suggest the need for larger, quantitative studies to gain new understandings of the issue).
• The synthesised themes will be brought together into a Theoretical Framework to guide your future professional practice.
EDF5691 Educational Inquiry Project Assignment-Monash University Australia.

This section should address the following:
• The response to your inquiry question based on this literature review.
• Gaps that emerged indicating the need for further research in this area of inquiry
• Reflection on how the review shapes your current thinking and practice about your issue or problem, and what you might do in the future to deepen your knowledge in this area. E.g. further academic research; practitioner research in your own context.