MAXIMUM 700 word count for what you write in the template
Headings already in the template are NOT included in your word count.
Do not keep the questions in the template, they are a guide only. Take these out before you submit your assignment.
ECE211 AT3 Planning Assignment-Australia.

Experience Information:
What is the name of the experience? (write a short title)
Who is the experience planned for? (what age, and approximate size of group)
Learning focus:
Why is this an appropriate learning experience for the children at this time, what have I noticed about what they are doing or are interested in that has lead me to choose this planned learning?
Planned Mathematical concept or concepts: What mathematics will I plan for the children to notice?
Planned Mathematical processes: What will the children do to explore that mathematics?
Mathematics language:
What mathematics language will I introduce and use?
What questions can I plan to ask?
What could ideas could I introduce into conversation that would support children to notice and explore and talk about the mathematics learning focus?
ECE211 AT3 Planning Assignment-Australia.

Learning Outcome: Link to relevant Early Years curricular statements (EYLF or VEYLDF): No assessment marks attach to this choice.
What curriculum outcome will be the most appropriate for this planned learning to work towards?
Requirements, Resources and Teaching strategies:
Where will this learning happen?
What materials or resources will I need to support the learning I am planning?
What teaching strategies do I plan to use to support the children to notice, explore and talk about the mathematics learning I am planning?
What I will be looking that will enable me to make an assessment about that learning?
ECE211 AT3 Planning Assignment-Australia.

How will I know if the intended mathematics learning was facilitated – what will I look for in the ways the children are exploring and talking about the mathematics learning focus that would tell me if the learning has been successful?