Assessment 2: Final (Play) Event
This play event documents an ordinary event as a method of building play opportunities for young children. After refining the initial summary from the first assessment that follows feedback from your peers, you will submit a final version through VUC Assessment 2 – Final Play Event
LENGTH : 750 words
DUE DATE : Sunday end of Week 3 11:59pm
ECE2005 Final Play Event Assignment a 2-Victoria University Australia.
The play event documents an ordinary event as a method of building play opportunities for young children. After refining the initial summary, pre service teachers will submit a final version on VUC.
1. Revisit and return to the area that informed your first assessment task, gather more artefacts that can illustrate and describe the possibilities for a play event in this location (what could you do to establish provocations for learning possibilities with young people in this place?). You could comment on the following to guide your thinking
1.What do you notice is happening in the place?
2.What pedagogical questions and actions might this raise for you?
3.Explain how this is related to place.
4.Explain why this is something that has sparked your curiosity (200 words).
2.Analysis (350 words): Analyse the play event you generate with place through three lenses: past present, place-thought, and learning to be affected
3.Implications (200 words): Based on the analysis, explain what this means for your beliefs and values about education and your practice as an early childhood teacher.
ECE2005 Final Play Event Assignment a 2-Victoria University Australia.
1. Review DRAFT Play event, consider feedback from peers and tutors.
2.Revisit the site in the local place that becomes the pedagogical contact zone, when revisiting keep in mind the requirements for this Final draft play assessment
3.Attend sessions to work collaboratively with your learning circle
4.Re-vist the EWP presentation in session 1 (in class) to assist in your understanding of the concept Place-Thought as well as the following readings on key concepts of this unit:
1.Hamm, C. (2015). Walking With Place: Storying Reconciliation Pedagogies in Early Childhood Education. Canadian Children, 40(2).
2.King, K. (2004). Historiography as reenactment: Metaphors and literalizations of TV documentaries. Criticism, 46(3), 459-475.
3.Latour, B. (2004). How to talk about the body? The normative dimension of science studies. Body & society, 10(2-3), 205-229.
4.Mindy Blaise, Catherine Hamm & Jeanne Marie Iorio (2017) Modest witness(ing) and lively stories: paying attention to matters of concern in early childhood, Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 25:1, 31-42, DOI: 10.1080/14681366.2016.120826.
ECE2005 Final Play Event Assignment a 2-Victoria University Australia.