Subject Code & Title: ECCWC401A Applying Knowledge Of Curriculum Provision and teaching strategies for embedding Indigenous perspectives into early childhood settings.
Weighting: 35%
Length: 2000 words
Learning outcomes: 1 and 4
ACARA Foundation Content for Learning
ECCWC401A Curriculum Provision Assessment-Tafe NSW Higher Education Australia.

HE20510 Bachelor Of Early Childhood Education And Care
Subject objective:
The aim of this subject is to enable students to develop an in-depth knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander diversity of practices, beliefs and cultures on curriculum provisions and teaching strategies for early childhood education.
Subject overview:
This subject is designed for students to undertake an in-depth analysis of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education in Australia. Students will examine the importance of the diversity within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations, cultures, practices and beliefs on early childhood education. Students will develop a focus on reconciliation and explore strategies for future improvement in social justice and equity in Australia. This subject requires demonstration by students of curriculum provision and teaching strategies for embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander into early childhood education.
ECCWC401A Curriculum Provision Assessment-Tafe NSW Higher Education Australia.

For this assessment you will need to:
- Develop a series of four (4) curriculum opportunities (lesson plans) based on the following curriculum areas and age groups that incorporate local Indigenous content and perspectives.
o Literacy and numeracy: 3-5 years
o Music: 0-2 years
o Visual arts: 2-3 – years
o STEM: Kindergarten - You must demonstrate the use of the following documents and reference these within your lesson plans.
o Intended curriculum standards
o Teachers National Professional Standards
o The Early Years Learning Framework and Australian Curriculum
o Linking the 8 ways of learning
o Curriculum in practice - You must demonstrate how you have attempted to professionally engage the local Indigenous community to build relationships, gain knowledge and create a culturally safe environment for all participants and/or or suggest engagement strategies
Throughout this subject you have been provided with teaching examples for embedding Indigenous perspectives into early childhood curriculum provision
Your assessment should show evidence that you have read widely on the topic beyond the supplied readings and texts. Your assessment must use correct referencing, in APA style.
ECCWC401A Curriculum Provision Assessment-Tafe NSW Higher Education Australia.

All submissions must comply with the requirements listed in the Student Handbook for this course.
The criteria for marking this assessment are given below
TAFE NSW graduate attributes
As a result of successfully completing this subject, students will have developed a number of graduate attributes that will enhance their employ ability and contribution to the Australian workforce. For this subject these include:
- TAFE NSW Higher Education graduates will be work ready.
- TAFE NSW Higher Education graduates will have the ability to develop and employ a body of knowledge within a professional and applied context.
- TAFE NSW Higher Education graduates will be socially just, ethically aware, focussed on environmental sustainability and an active professional citizen within a local and global context.