ECCWC301 A Early Childhood Assignment-RMIT University Australia.

Subject: ECCWC301A Gifted Education
Title: Current Status of Gifted Education in Early Childhood (Birth-8) in Australia
Length: 500 words only
Learning outcomes: 1, 2 and 3
For this assessment, you will need to use the documents listed below to prepare an annotated bibliography.
ECCWC301 A Early Childhood Assignment-RMIT University Australia.

ECCWC301 A Early Childhood Assignment-RMIT University Australia.

Write an annotated bibliography for each of these 4 sources

In each annotated bibliography identify the following points in the given order:
 what the sources is about,
 the purpose, ,
 who is it aimed at,
 strengths,
 weaknesses/limitations,
 the credibility and reliability of the source,
 the relevance of the source to early childhood
 Final thoughts about the source: such as

ECCWC301 A Early Childhood Assignment-RMIT University Australia.

“surprisingly, this article is clear and easy to read with reading friendly information included” etc.

Note: do not add numbers and statistics as it is limited to 500 words only.

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