Assessment Task #3:
Brief description of assessment task
Oral presentation with multimedia support material.
Form a position in relation to the topic you selected for the critical
present that position orally and with multimedia support material
oral defence of your view in question time. The topics are (you can argue for or against these statements):
Topic One: Job seeker encourages casuals not to work.
Topic Two: When it comes to racism towards Indigenous Austral
complacency is complicity.
Topic Three: Tiktok poses a threat to national security.
Topic Four: The negative consequences of global warming are e
EAD112 Critical Thinking And Problem Solving Assignment-Deakin University Australia.

Detail of student output
Equivalent to 620 words Oral presentation and defence (2 minute presentation with multirm up to 5 minute discussion/defence [the majority of students will d others considering the same issue]) Multimedia support material.
Weight 20%
Unit Learning Outcome(s) assessed:
ULO 4 by formulating, orally presenting and defending a clear po
Deakin Graduate Learning Outcome(s) (DGLO) assessed:
GLO 2 by effective use of oral communication to put forward and
articulated position.
GLO 4 by using analytical thinking and judgment form adequate
GLO 8 by engaging adequately with relevant topic or question re
Put forward and defend a clearly articulated position
Take a clear position in relation to a particular topic or question
Provide a clear argument to back up this position
Draw on academic research to provide evidence for the conclusion
Effectively defend the position – handling questions and chal
Demonstrate good familiarity with the issue (appropriate amo
in adequate depth)
EAD112 Critical Thinking And Problem Solving Assignment-Deakin University Australia.

Make effective use of an introduction, body and conclusion
Make effective use of non-verbal dimensions such as eye-co
Make effective use of verbal dimensions such as tone, volume
Make effective use of multi-media support material
Accurate use of the Harvard Referencing Style for any in-tax
reference list.
What early feedback will student get, how and when?
You will receive feedback on your proposed topic and approach
presentation.Online students will have a Blackboard Collaborate session in we technology works, and students are on track for the oral presentation.
Due date and form of submission
Week 8, in seminars.Multimedia support material to be uploaded into the cloud by Tue 8 pm AEST. Online students will complete the oral presentation via Blackboard.