Assessment 3 asks
Assessment 3 asks you to articulate your understanding of cultural capabilities building on these concepts in a formal written report form. Choose a video scenario to observe and analyse from the six options provided below these instructions.
Using an excerpt from a media clip of people interacting within a ‘space’, write a report that:
• Summarises and describes observations of the interactions related to aspects of cultural capabilities in the video clip.
• Analyses (with formal references) the safe and unsafe aspects of the scenario including the physical location and interactions between actors. And, based on the scenario shown in your chosen clip,
• Provide recommendations for creating or sustaining this scenario as a culturally safe space.
Formatting the Report – CUC107 Cultural Intelligence and Capability Assignment
Report Layout: You will need to include sections and subsections in the report (see further on in these instructions). Report sections and sub-sections should include numbered headings. Where there are sub-sections these should also be numbered and titled. (All sections, except the Title of Report, Table of Contents and References, should have numbered headings.) Word counts are only a guide, but indicate relative importance of the
sections, which will be reflected in the marking weighting for each section (see the marking criteria sheet for more information).
Formal Language: Academic and formal reports use only third person, which means that first person (personal) language (e.g. I, my, we, etc.) is not used. Use of slang or contractions (i.e. using won’t instead of will not; using don’t instead of do not) should be avoided, and so on. (Please see further information on formal, academic writing in the Tools section further on in these instructions.)
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Font size and type: Use font size 12. You may use font type Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman.
Margins: Use Default margin, 2.54cm.
Line Spacing: 1.5 line spacing.
Header: Place the following information in the assignment
header: The Unit (CUC107), and the number and title of the
Assignment item.
Footer: Place the following information in the assignment
footer: Student name, student number and page number.
File name: When saving your report, ‘save as’ type Word
document, and with the following details in the file name:
name-unit number-assessment number (e.g. John_Green_CUC107_Assessment_3).
Hint: If you need help with formatting contact your tutor, the library staff or an ALLSP instructor.
Report Sections and Sub-sections : CUC107 Cultural Intelligence and Capability
(Note: Do not include the word count and the section
instructions below in your report. This is only provided as
information to help you in preparing the report.)
Title of Report: This should be on a separate page and is not numbered. Include the title, your name and student number, and the date. The title should include the name of the video and describe what the report will do.
Table of Contents: This should be on a separate page and is not numbered. A table of contents provides a list of the Sections and Sub-sections that you have used in your
report, and the page on which they start. (The Section titles should be aligned on the left-hand side of the page, with the sub-sections indented. The page numbers where each
section and sub-section begins should be aligned on the right-hand side of the page.)
1 Introduction (approx. 200 words): Briefly explain background, aim and scope of this report. Include the following sub-sections in the introduction. 1.1
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Background An orientation to the topic of cultural
capability and safe spaces.
2 1.2 Aim Tell the reader what the report aims to do – i.e. It will provide a summary, description and analysis of an example of a safe or unsafe space, and will recommend
improvements to improve the safety of the space where appropriate.
3 1.3 Scope Explain what the report will focus on, including what video, what particular scenes you will be discussing, and if the example depicts a safe or unsafe space.
9 Analysis: (700-800 words):
In this section you should demonstrate your understanding of the key concepts covered in the unit. Using relevant literature, together with your observations in section 2 of key elements within the video clip, analyse whether each scene is a safe or an unsafe space and explain why.
You will need to support your claims about whether each scene is a safe or unsafe space with readings and definitions of the concepts that comprise cultural safety: