Instruction: This is an individual assignment.
Length: 1500 – 2000 words

Task: CUC100 Persuasive Essay Assignment
Overview: This assessment represents the final product which brings together all your brainstorming, thinking, planning, learning, researching, notetaking and summarising into a clearly organized, referenced discussion essay. So, it is a chance to put into practice what you have learned about writing academic essays and bring it together with all you have learned in the unit about sustainability.
Task Details: For your final assessment you need to write a 1500-2000 word essay on the following: ‘Sustainability is a paradigm for thinking about the future in which environmental, societal and economic considerations are balanced in the pursuit of improved quality of life’.
Choose a scenario from the list below and scope it to a specific location, community, organization or aspect.
Explain the key sustainability concerns from an environmental, social and economic point of view.
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1. Food production
2. The health and livelihoods of groups of people seeking asylum
After the introduction paragraph, provide the background (concise description of your scoped scenario, and the stakeholders involved); and a definition of sustainability that is applicable to your scenario and reflects your potential solutions.
Points to consider for passing: CUC100 Persuasive Essay Assignment
All of the work in CUC100 is intended to prepare you for your final essay. Review what you have learned throughout the semester and build on the research, planning, notes, and ideas you have developed through your learning activities and previous assessments;
Ensure you have scoped your scenario to a specific location, community, organization or aspect, in order to focus the explanation and discussion in your essay
Before submitting your essay, check the Pre-submission Checklist on the following page to make sure that it meets all of the requirements

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