Project Introduction:
Introduce your team and your role in this project
Scope and timeline:
a.Stockholder analysis
b.Explain how your network design and the services provided will increase the revenue (must be in detail; not just “cut and paste”
c.In Scope and Out of Scope
d.Project timeline (need to explain why such a timeline is chosen)
CSE5ITP Wireless Network Design BG/PS1/PS2 Deliverables Assignment.
Design Challenges:
a.What are the technical challenges at each level (you can split your discussion based on labs, floor area and levels).
b.How these architecture challenges affect your design. This is very important aspect of your WiFi design.
Cabling standard:
1.Here you must specify how are you going to interconnect your APs to Switches and WLC.
2.You must provide a cabling schema. This must be split at floor levels, labs. Encouraged to use hierarchical design.
Traffic Characterization:
- What are the potential traffic in your WiFi network (with justification)
- How are going to segregate traffic? You need to explain using standardized technologies.
- How it can be implemented. Traffic segmentation is one of the important aspect of your WiFi project.
Securing the Network:
- How are you propose to secure the wireless network?
- Explain in detail your secure framework. What technology you are going to use?
- How are planning to integrate the proposed secure scheme with your design?
List of hardware and software:
- List of network hardware to be used with justification.
Introduction to the WiFi technology to be Proposed
- Present an overview of the wireless technology and solution you are going to provide.
Smart Sensors
- Give an overview of the proposed smart sensors used in the network that can be programmed to turn off lights according to your project specification.
Note: Ensure that your document contain all necessary details pertaining to your building. Generic information may not be of any value.
CSE5ITP Wireless Network Design BG/PS1/PS2 Deliverables Assignment.
- Facts or standards must be referenced.
- We accept only MS Word document (no other submission accepted).
- Fonts: 11 pt; 1.5 line spacing.
- We will provide the “Front Page”. You need to use the front page to provide your Team details.
Midterm Presentation
Your team need to present based on the above documents. Your presentation must be clear with all facts (suitable references); Without valid justification, we may not able to accept your arguments.
So far, you have not addressed any design issue. The Second part of your project primarily deals with design and technical details:
IP Addressing Scheme (covers both IPv4 and v6)
- Address space for each level.
- Address space for Labs, floor; How are going to dissipate? (full detail and working needs to be included)
Comms room:
- Placement of Comms room and justification.
Integrating Fire alarm and smart sensors:
- Give detail spec of Fire alarm and smart sensors to be used in your network.
- Your logical design must include how these devices are integrated to the prosed WiFi network.
Your Logical Design:
- Blueprint of your Core layer in your WiFi
o You need to specify the gears clearly.
o Cabling to interconnect core layer
o Naming convention used. - Placement of AP, WLC in each floor space and how they are integrated? Here you need to provide IP address space, how they are dissipated, naming conventions used etc.
- Lab level, Building level network diagram. You must provide details so that it can be implemented straight without ambiguity. You must integrate AV, security devices etc.
Channel Mapping
- Provide a detail of WiFi channel each AP is working?
- How do you ensure that there is no interference from co and adjacent channels?
- Power planning?
CSE5ITP Wireless Network Design BG/PS1/PS2 Deliverables Assignment.
Guaranteed Bandwidth
- Bandwidth estimation to your proposed design
- How do you ensure that each connected user will be guaranteed a minimum bandwidth (according to your project specification?)
Maintenance Schedule
- Provide hardware, software and licensing maintenance schedule (with justification)
Detailed Inventory
1.List of Switches, routers used with specification
2.List of APs, WLCs with specification
3.Other hardware including Fire alarm and smart sensors.
Detailed Costing: (with reference for the cost)
- Software cost
- Hardware cost
- Maintenance cost
- Consultancy cost.
- What is unique about your proposed design?
- Why do you think that this project must be given to your company?
- How do you ensure that your project implementation will bring profit to our organization?
CSE5ITP Wireless Network Design BG/PS1/PS2 Deliverables Assignment.
Final Presentation
Your team need to present based on the above documents. Your presentation must be clear with all facts (suitable references); Without valid justification, we may not able to accept your arguments.