CSE2DCX Assessment 2 Database Fundamentals On The Cloud – La Trobe University Australia.

Subject Code & Title: CSE2DCX Assessment 2 Database Fundamentals On The Cloud
Objectives: This is an individual assignment. Students are not permitted to work in a group when writing this assignment.
CSE2DCX Assessment 2 Database Fundamentals On The Cloud – La Trobe University Australia.

CSE2DCX Assessment 2 Database Fundamentals On The Cloud - La Trobe University Australia.

Copying and Plagiarism:
This is an individual assignment. Students are not permitted to work in a group when writing this assignment. Plagiarism is the submission of another person’s work in a manner that gives the impression that the work is their own. La Trobe University treats plagiarism seriously. When detected,penalties are strictly imposed.

Submission Guidelines:
Your assignment submission should be typed, not written/drawn by hand.
Submit the electronic copy of your assignment through the subject LMS.
Submission after the deadline will incur a penalty of 5% of the available assignment mark per day capped at 5 days. No assignment will be accepted after 5 days. If you have encountered difficulties that lead to late submission or no submission, you should apply for special consideration.

For this assignment you need to write a short report in Microsoft Word with answers to the following questions.

Question 1
List three benefits of normalizing a relation.

Question 2
Define first normal form (1NF), second normal form (2NF), and third normal form (3NF).

CSE2DCX Assessment 2 Database Fundamentals On The Cloud - La Trobe University Australia.

Scenario for Questions 3-5
Consider the relation in answering the questions that follow. The relation is for a library which maintains the below relation to store details of books that have been issued to members. Each book has a unique ISBN number while the library may have multiple copies of a book with each having a separate book number (Book_No). The library maintains records of only the current loans.

Question 3
What is the current level of normalization in the above relation?

Question 4
Write the functional dependencies for the above table.

Question 5
Normalize the above database table up to third normal form (3NF) and show the relations.Intermediate steps are required for 1NF and 2NF. Use underline for primary key attributes.

CSE2DCX Assessment 2 Database Fundamentals On The Cloud – La Trobe University Australia.

When you have completed your answers, submit the assessment on the Learning Portal. You should submit the following:

CSE2DCX Assessment 2 Database Fundamentals On The Cloud - La Trobe University Australia.

• Submit your answers in a Microsoft Word called xxx_cse2dcx_assessment 2. docx (where xxx is your student number).

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