Subject Code & Title: CSE1SIX Information System Infrastructure
Mark & Horton tax accountants have opened a new office in Melbourne, Australia. They are committed to providing taxation and financial planning services to both individuals and small business owners.
Currently they have four (4) full-time tax accountants, two (2) junior accountants and two (2)receptionists appointed to facilitate the clients. Additionally, two (2) financial advisors work two days a week.
CSE1SIX Information System Infrastructure Assignment 3 -Latrobe University Australia.

All the workstations being in work group environment have caused a few concerns for the company mainly:
• security
• retrieval of client information from individual staff computers and
• accessibility of information
Assume that you have been hired to provide advice and help in the installation and configuration of an appropriate operating system that will satisfy the needs of the company. Perform the following tasks to support this.
Task 1:
You have already conducted your research, consulted with the client and made the decision that Windows Server 2016 will satisfy the needs of the company. You are to install Windows Server 2016 on Oracle Virtual Box and set the Administrator account password to Password 1. You are to take screenshots of the entire installation process which needs to be saved into a document named xxx_cse1six_assessment 3.docx (where xxx is your student ID).
Task 2:
You have already conducted your research and found that the company’s concerns can be over come by installing Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). List and explain at least four advantages of domain-based environment over work group environment.
Make sure to paraphrase and provide referencing.
Task 3:
Research and note the minimum hardware and software requirements for installing Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and run msinfo 32 command to identify your machine’s compatibility with AD DS.
After you complete this, take a screenshot of system summary and save to the xxx_ cse1six_assessment 3.docx document.
Task 4:
Install and configure Active Directory Domain Service (use installation options as detailed below) on your Windows Server 2016 based on the following:
• Computer Name: MHDC1
• IP Address:
• Subnet Mask:
• Gateway:
• Preferred DNS Server:
• Firewall: Disable
• Domain Name:
Take MHDC 1 screenshots for the following:
1.Installation steps for active directory
2. TCP/IP configuration clearly showing IP Address, Sub net Mask, Gateway and Primary DNS.
3.System properties clearly showing computer name and Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
Add the Task 4 screenshots to the xxx_cse1six_assessment 3.docx document and re save.
Task 5:
In Windows Server 2016 log on with the Administrator account and use the Active Directory Administrative Centre or Active Directory Users and Groups to complete the following tasks:
• Create two groups: Accounts and Finance.
• Create and configure two user accounts for Tom Davies and Julie Mann as follows:
o Set password as Password 2 for both user accounts.
o Set Password never expires option for both user accounts.
o Set the Sam Account Name for Tom Davies as mh\tdavies and add as a member of the Accounts group (as the primary group) and remove from the Domain Users group.
o Set the Sam Account Name for Julie Mann as mh\jmann and add as a member of the Finance group (as the Primary Group) and remove from the Domain Users group.
CSE1SIX Information System Infrastructure Assignment 3 -Latrobe University Australia.

After you complete the above account administration, you must provide the following screenshots as evidence of completion of this task:
• A screenshot for the Active Directory Administrative Centre interface which shows the two newly created groups and two user accounts.
• A screenshot for the properties of Tom Davies’ user account that:
1.Shows the username configuration
2.Shows the user account only belonging to the Accounts group.
Add the Task 5 screenshots to the xxx_cse1six_assessment 3.docx document and resave.
Task 6
In Windows Server 2016 log on with the Administrator account and create a new folder called“Client Data” in “C” drive, and then create or save some text files to this folder. You must configure both the share and NTFS permissions to control access as follows:
• Share the C:\Client Data folder with the Accounts group on the network. All the users in the Accounts group should have all permissions to the shared folder.
• Share the C:\Client Data folder with the Finance group. All the users in the Finance group should be able to view and open files in the shared folder.
• No other groups or users should be allowed access (either over the network or locally).
Provide screenshots for the above settings and add them to the xxx_cse 1 six_assessment 3.docx document and resave, screenshot should include the following:
1.Client data folder created in C drive.
2.Level of permissions to the shared folder for each group (Accounts and Finance group).
Task 7:
You are to install Windows 10 on Oracle Virtual Box and set the local Administrator account password to Password 1.
Configure Windows 10 Host machine with the following configurations and join the mh. com. au domain.
• Computer Name: Staff1
• IP Address:
• Subnet Mask:
• Gateway:
• Primary DNS:
• Firewall: Disable
After completing the above configurations, you need to make sure that your Windows 10 Host machine can ping the Windows Server 2016 IP Address, Computer Name, Domain Name, and FQDN.
Take Staff 1 screenshots for the following:
1.Windows 10 Host machine’s TCP/IP configuration clearly showing IP Address, Sub net Mask, Gateway and Primary DNS.
2.Ping output of the following
Staff 1 has joined the domain.
Add the Task 7 screenshots to the xxx_cse 1 six_assessment 3. docx document and resave.
Task 8:
On Staff 1 computer, log on using Tom Davies’ user account, map the shared Client Data folder as “Y” drive. You need to test the permission settings that you configured in Task 6 and provide the following as evidence:
1.Take a screenshot of the File Explorer interface to show the content of “Y” drive
2.Take screenshots of the creation of a new file, updating an existing file and deletion of new or existing files respectively.
Add the Task 8 screenshots to the xxx_cse 1 six_assessment 3.docx document and resave.
Task 9:
On Staff 1 computer, log on using Julie Mann’s user account, map the shared Client Data folder as “Y” drive. You need to test the permission settings that you configured in Task 6 and provide the following as evidence:
1.Take a screenshot of the File Explorer interface to show the content of “Y” drive
2.Take screenshots of sub-folder creation, updating an existing file and deletion of existing file respectively.
Add the Task 9 screenshots to the xxx_cse 1 six_assessment 3. docx document and resave.
Task 10:
1.Four main functions of an operating system and
2.The purpose of utility software such as “Task Manager”.
CSE1SIX Information System Infrastructure Assignment 3 -Latrobe University Australia.

When you have completed, submit the solutions to these tasks via the Upload link in CSE1SIX Assessment: Operating Systems Assignment on the Learning Portal. You should submit the following:
• Submit your answers and screenshots to the relevant tasks in a single Word document called xxx_cse six_assessment 3.docx (where xxx is your student number) with clearly labelled headings for each task.