Unit outcomes :-
At the completion of this unit you will be able to successful demonstrate competency in:
1.Accessing the information contained in current trends, government legislature and apply to the building and construction industry
2.Establishing a management plans based around current energy conservation issues
3. Developing a ECMP in collaboration with all stakeholders applicable to a building company.
CPCCBC5018A The Construction Assignment – Orange International College AU.

Delivery method :-
This unit will be delivered using a blended approach. You will be required to attend classes as scheduled in your timetable, complete all learning activities as set by your trainer and assessor and a range of self-directed learning tasks.If at any stage, you are unable to complete any of the above activities you must contact your trainer/assessor immediately to make alternative arrangements.
Assessment materials :-
To complete these assessments, you will require access to:
1.access to relevant documents referenced in the student workbook (or available in the Document Addendum)
2. access to relevant structural principle standards and regulations (NCC 2015 Volumes one, two and three)
3.project documentation, including design brief, design drawings, specifications, construction schedules and other supporting documents
4. research resources, including product information and data
5. relevant computer software package and suitable hardware
CPCCBC5018A Apply Structural Principles To The Construction of Medium Rise Buildings Assignment – Orange International College AU.
Assessment summary :-
Once you have demonstrated to your trainer/assessor that you have the required skills and knowledge for the unit they will inform you that you are ready to be assessed.
To gain competency in this unit you must accurately complete the following assessment tasks.
If you are unable to submit an assessment on or before the due date you must decide with your trainer/assessor for an extension and a new submission date.
Assessment results :-
At the completion of each assessment task your trainer/assessor will deem your work to be:
1. S – Satisfactory. You have completed your assessment task adequately meeting all of requirements.
2. NS – Not Satisfactory. You have not provided enough evidence to meet all aspects of the assessment task.
Once all assessment tasks have been submitted you will receive an overall result for this unit being:
1. C – Competent. All of the required assessments have received a result of ‘S’ meaning you have demonstrated that you can successfully meet all of the unit outcomes.
2.NYC – Not Yet Competent. One or more of your assessment tasks have received a result of NS meaning that you have not met the necessary requirements for that assessment.
Please refer to the student handbook for further information on re-assessment.
Reasonable adjustments :-
An adjustment is any measure or action that you may require because of a disability, which has the effect of assisting you to access and participate in education and training on the same basis as students without a disability. An adjustment is reasonable if it achieves this purpose while taking into account factors such as the nature of your disability, your views, and the potential effect of the adjustment on yourself and others, who might be affected, and the costs and benefits of making the adjustment. We must maintain the academic integrity of a course and consider the requirements or components that are inherent or essential to its nature when assessing whether an adjustment is reasonable. There may be more than one adjustment that is reasonable in a given set of circumstances. We will make adjustments that are reasonable and that do not cause unjustifiable hardship to yourself and our organisation.
If at any time whilst you are undertaking the assessment and you require further clarification on the task, or you believe you require an assessment to be adjusted due to a disability or other impacting situations please speak to your trainer/assessor for further information or possible options. During the assessment process your trainer/assessor can assist you with gaining understanding of the task, but they are unable to provide you with the response or any answers.
Rules and principles of assessment :-
All assessment tasks have been designed to ensure that they meet all of the requirements of the unit you are undertaking. They have also been designed to meet the rules and principles of assessments ensuring that all assessment tasks are:
1. Fair
2. Valid
3. Flexible
4. Reliable
5. Authentic
6. Sufficient
7. Reliable
Assessment conditions :-
The assessments for this unit must be conducted in a quiet classroom or home study environment and/or simulated environment. The assessments for this unit must be conducted in a safe environment for the safety of all students and trainers/assessors. Your trainer/assessor will cease the assessment at any time that they believe it has become unsafe for yourself and/or others around you.If the assessment is ceased due to safety reasons your trainer/assessor may require you to undergo further training or make further adjustments to the task and/or environment prior to providing you with the opportunity to be re-assessed.
Re-assessment :
If you are unable to show competency in all the required assessment tasks you trainer/assessor will inform you that you will need to undertake the assessment task again.Prior to undertaking the re-assessment process, you may be required to complete further learning activities to consolidate your skills and knowledge. Once you can demonstrate to your trainer/assessor that you possess the required skills and knowledge they will inform you that you are ready to be assessed again. Please refer to your student handbook for further information on re-assessment.
CPCCBC5018A The Construction Assignment – Orange International College AU.

Complaints and appeals :-
If you believe that you have been unfairly assessed and wish to appeal your trainer/assessor decision or have any complaints in regard to your training or assessment results, please refer to our complaints and appeals procedure located on our website for further information.
Assessment task 1 – Knowledge Check :-
1.What section of the NCC Volume One covers the Functional Statements of structure in relation to medium rise buildings?
2.List the (4) four structural principles a builder must ensure are met in the Performance Requirements for a medium rise building?
3.Name (7) seven common building materials that are used in the structural elements of a medium rise building:
4.What structural element are these tradespeople engaged in installing?
5.Provide a description of the Unit of Force:
6.What are the (3) three forces represented in this diagram, starting left to right?
7.What is the description and formula for stress?
8.If the human bone has a tensile strength of 130mpa, (rounded to whole number) how many times stronger in tensile strength is steel?
9.What are the (2) two forces applied by wind load action to a medium rise building?
10.What are the (2) two Australian Standards used in the calculation of design around wind loads on a medium rise building?
11.In AS1170.2 design for structural loads, there are (8) important factors that are required to calculate the ultimate wind speed force on a medium rise building, list them:
12.What is this map/ diagram used to calculate?
CPCCBC5018A The Construction Assignment – Orange International College AU.

13.Name (4) four construction professionals that a builder/ building company would seek the services of when designing and calculating the structural requirements of a medium rise building:
14.What is the role of a structural engineer in a medium rise building project?
15.There are a number of surveys that are involved in the civil and structural works of a medium rise building, list (6) six:
16.When a building owner or builder/ building company plan to carry out work that may affect the stability of the adjacent neighbours’ buildings, what should they do?
17.In the NCC Volume One Part B1 Structural Provisions, what are considered the primary elements in relation to Termite risk Management, and what is the Australian Standard applicable?
18.What is the structural role of foundations?
19. What is the Functional Statement of NCC Volume One in regard to structure?
20.In the AS1170.1.3 Definitions, what is the description for “Strength Limit State”?
21.What type of soil would have a stronger bearing capacity, gravel or coarse sand?
22.Approximately how many days should be allowed for a concrete slab to achieve its full compressive strength?
23.In the design of suspended slab floors, what (2) Australian Standards are involved what limit state principles to they apply?
24. What are (2) modern construction methods for applying for tensile strength to a suspended slab are depicted in these photos?
CPCCBC5018A The Construction Assignment – Orange International College AU.

25.What structural component and the methods surrounding it are covered in the application of Australian Standard AS3610 – 1995?
26.Besides Vertical and Live Loads, describe another common load force that could have an influence on form work in a medium rise building:
27.How is the use of timber in the construction of medium rise buildings, being addressed in the NCC 2016?
28.Using the formula of the diagram calculate the Roof Load Width of Wall A, if x= 6mts, y= 6mts, a= 0.45mts:

29.In the photograph below, name three structural steel members visible in this steel medium rise building construction:

30.What is the Australian Standard for Demolition works?
31.Why is it an important factor in doing the structural construction of a medium rise building in relation to Demolition of the same building.
32.Over What height, must a retaining wall be referred to a Structural engineer for design and certification?
CPCCBC5018A The Construction Assignment – Orange International College AU.