1.Unit Description:
This unit assures student counsellors develop an appreciation of the development of counselling theories over the past 100 years, identifying significant current developments including the movement toward theoretical integration. Students analyse the relationship between scientific metatheories and psychotherapy integration. Current understanding of Common Factors across theories of counselling and psychotherapy are considered and different approaches to operationalising the Common Factors of psychotherapy are examined. Students ponder the relevance of the ‘specific ingredients’ argument in psychotherapy and critically reflect on their own emerging approach to integrative counselling practice.
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ACAP classes are an open space for the critical and civil exchange of ideas, and this Unit will include topics that may be difficult for you to confront or discuss. If you feel uncomfortable discussing certain content during class, please seek the support of your educator or fellow students in the first instance.
2.Unit Information:
3.Development of Learning Outcomes and Graduate Attributes
3.1 Unit Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
a) Appreciate the development of counselling theories over the past 100 years and identify significant current developments
b) Analyse the relationship between scientific metatheories and psychotherapy integration
c) Examine different approaches to operationalising the Common Factors of psychotherapy
d) Explore the relevance of the ‘specific ingredients’ argument in psychotherapy
e) Reflect on one’s own emerging approach to integrative practice
3.2 Course Learning Outcomes:
This unit, COUN3241 – Counselling Theory Integration, covers the learning required to deliver the following Course Learning Outcomes:
COUN3241 Counselling Theory Integration Assignment-ACAP Australia.
Bachelor of Counselling
- Demonstrates an integrated level of professional knowledge and skills of counselling
- Competently integrates the evidenced-based frameworks, theories and practices of the counselling field with a high level of autonomy and accountability for sustainable professional practice
- Skillfully generates helpful processes to support diverse people in society through critical application of the ethical and professional responsibilities of counselling
- Skillfully and critically reflects, interprets and evaluates personal and professional development and effectively applies the ethos of lifelong learning, self-care and well being as a professional counsellor
- Displays a professional commitment to the principles of social justice to authentically engage with, empower, include and enable individuals, groups and communities across diverse contexts
- Skillfully operates and demonstrates learning and working practices across multiple twenty-first century platforms, reflective of contemporary counselling contexts for sustainable,relevant professional application in alignment with the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) and the Australian Counselling Association (ACA)
Bachelor of Counselling (Minor in Coaching)
- Demonstrates an integrated level of professional knowledge and skills of counselling and coaching research, theory and practice to ensure and enhance rigor within the counselling field
- Competently integrates the evidenced-based frameworks, theories and practices of the counselling and coaching field with a high level of autonomy and accountability for sustainable professional practice
- Skillfully generates helpful processes to support diverse people in society through critical application of the ethical and professional responsibilities of counselling and coaching
- Skillfully and critically reflects, interprets and evaluates personal and professional development and effectively applies the ethos of lifelong learning, self-care and well being as a professional counsellor and coach
- Displays a professional commitment to the principles of social justice to authentically engage with, empower, include and enable individuals, groups and communities across diverse contexts
- Skillfully operates and demonstrates learning and working practices across multiple twenty-first century platforms, reflective of contemporary counselling contexts for sustainable,relevant professional application in alignment with the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA), the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and the International Coach Federation (ICF)
COUN3241 Counselling Theory Integration Assignment-ACAP Australia.
3.3 ACAP Graduate Attributes
Successful completion of this unit also contributes specifically to the development of the following ACAP Graduate Attributes:
- GA1 COMMUNICATE: Apply effective communication skills with others in diverse contexts and through multiple modalities
- GA2 SUSTAIN: Sustain an intentional commitment to maintain currency and further develop knowledge and skills over their lifetime
- GA3 THINK: Apply critical, creative and flexible thinking to contribute and respond constructively across diverse settings
- GA4 ENGAGE: Engage effectively with contemporary and traditional knowledges across multiple contexts
- GA5 WELLBEING: Utilise skills and know how to maintain resilience, personal and professional well being when responding to challenges and opportunities
- GA6 EQUALITY: Enact inclusive practices that deliver social justice and equality of opportunity
- GA7 INTEGRITY: Apply integrity and ethical standards to study, research and practice
- GA8 COMMUNITY: Use teamwork and leadership knowledge and skills to advance teams,groups and communities
- GA9 GLOBAL: Apply culturally sensitive professional knowledge and skills to contribute to a sustainable global future
4.Learning and Teaching Process
The content of this unit has been designed to maximise the learning and the integration of the subject matter. Much of the unit material is specific to the Australian context. For example, this outline does include reference to diverse individuals and diverse groups of individuals. Diversity can encompass but is not limited to: individuals identified with atypical and typical behaviours; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; LGBTIQ+ peoples; culturally and linguistically diverse peoples; individuals with chronological / lifespan status; individuals with learning differences; individuals with different family backgrounds and history.
Students are encouraged to access additional information relevant to their local context, which will assist in applying the learning and ensuring its relevance. This may include specific legislation, government and professional association resources, and journals. It is important that students’reading is broad.
In general students are expected to:
- read each section of the unit carefully and make notes on new content, and points that are unclear, or in conflict with previous learning or experience
- complete readings of the text and other readings and resources, making notes on important insights or facts, especially those relevant to assignments
There may be periodic suggestions or issues on which students are asked to deliberate and reflect. Sometimes these are dilemmas or difficult issues associated with the study topic which have no right or wrong answers but are used to trigger critical thinking.
Learning activities are set in each section of the unit to give opportunities for further learning. These activities include self-inventories, quizzes, video activities, exercises, case studies and reflection activities. These activities do not need to be sent to the academic teacher for marking. However, valuable learning opportunities will be missed by not engaging with the activities.
In this Unit students will engage in 36 hours of teacher directed and student directed activities throughout the trimester. These 36 hours are inclusive of all modes of delivery – on campus, online, blended, synchronous (coaching).
Students are also expected to engage in at least 10 hours per week of independent study throughout the trimester.
COUN3241 Counselling Theory Integration Assignment-ACAP Australia.
The workload may include regular weekly learning tasks, attending classes (face-to-face / online), online activities, completing readings, hurdle task activities, researching module topics, and completing prescribed assessment tasks. Students will be required to be proactive and self-directed in their learning, sourcing information as required, especially from the sources available through the Moodle site.
From Trimester 1 2020, new students enrolled in the Bachelor of Counselling, Bachelor of Counselling (minor in Coaching), and Bachelor of Psychological Science & Counselling courses, are required to undertake volunteering as a mandatory part of their course requirements. Students can find further information on the ACAP
Following is a list of the specific course volunteering requirements:
• Bachelor of Counselling students must complete 90 hours of volunteering
• Bachelor of Counselling (Minor in Coaching) students must complete 90 hours of volunteering
• Bachelor of Psychological Science and Counselling students must complete 140 hours of volunteering
These volunteering hours must be completed prior to commencing the 200-hour student placement.The inclusion of volunteer hours is to ensure the Bachelor of Counselling; Bachelor of Counselling(Minor in Coaching); and Bachelor of Psychological Science & Counselling courses meet accreditation requirements.
The following list outlines various features of the volunteering component:
- Does not require clinical/formal supervision
- Must be in an industry related site approved by ACAP
- Can be spread across the three years of the counselling degrees, however, must be completed prior to commencing placement
- Students can begin accumulating hours once they have submitted a National Criminal Record Check to ACAP
- Cannot be accrued at a student’s workplace
- Can be completed at a maximum of three agencies
- Must be at a different site to the ‘Service-Learning project’ site and counselling placement site
- ‘Volunteering Time sheet’ must be signed off by the agency representative, and submitted to ACAP
NOTE: Although this is a mandatory component for new students commencing their Bachelor studies in Trimester 1 2020, it is optional for students continuing into their 2nd and 3rd year.
There are self-assessment questions at the end of each section to test students’ understanding of the section’s content. Students should write down what they remember before going back to review the relevant material in the section. Some of the questions will require more than simple recall; others will require synthesis of the students’ learning on different topics or from different sources of information.Real learning is more than remembering what has been read. It involves students making this
knowledge their own by:
• reflecting
• questioning
• relating theory to experience
• integrating a number of readings on a particular topic or concept
• paraphrasing
5.Student Attendance: Counselling
In the Discipline of Counselling, 100% attendance is expected, with a minimum mandatory 80% attendance across the components specified in the relevant descriptions.
This is an Online unit.
Weekly 60-minute lecture that is only recorded starting week 1.
Weekly self-paced forum post hurdle activities starting week 1.
Online weekly consultation drop-in sessions, starting week 1. These 60-minute sessions are scheduled at the educator’s discretion in conjunction with students.
Attendance requirements are only associated with weekly self-paced forum post hurdle activity (minimum 10 weekly activities per trimester).
A quick guide to important assessment issues in this subject You must meet the attendance requirements for the mode of delivery that you are studying, as detailed in this Unit Outline.
Submit all assessment in the designated time frame.
Pass all assessment tasks in order to pass the unit overall.
5.1 Trimester Key dates
The Trimester Key Dates can be accessed
6.Weekly Schedule
7.Assessment Overview
There are two types of assessment tasks in this Unit – formative assessment tasks and summative assessment tasks.
The formative assessment task is an assessment for learning that usually occurs at the beginning and during the sequence of teaching and learning. This type of task provides information on student’s progress to monitor teaching and learning outcomes.
The formative assessment is not a hurdle and is not graded, however only formative assessments submitted by the due date will receive feedback from the educator. Formative assessments submitted after the due date do not receive feedback, but there is no penalty to the grade for the linked summative assessment task.
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The summative assessment tasks are the graded component of this unit. It is an assessment of learning that is used primarily at the completion of a sequence of teaching, such as at the end of each unit of work. Summative assessment task provides a comprehensive evaluation of all learning outcomes over a certain period.
All assessment tasks require a signed cover sheet. Students must submit each assessment task(formative and summative) to the online class space assessment dropbox (Turnitin) in the unit Moodle site by the identified due date.
8.Assessment Policy and Procedures
The ACAP Assessment Policy and Procedure located on the ACAP website is a full statement of the principles and practice, which inform the design, development and implementation of assessment at ACAP.
8.1. Assessment Practice
Academic integrity and professional standards Plagiarism is the inclusion of another person’s work within your submission without acknowledgement or permission. Plagiarism is regarded as a form of cheating. The penalties associated with misconduct are severe, and plagiarism may result in failure or variation of grade in the Unit. All ACAP students must familiarise themselves with the ACP Academic Integrity Policy,and the ACP Academic Misconduct Policy.
Submitting Assessments:
Assignments are submitted via the class space by the due date and time given in the Assessment Overview. Unit educators will provide instructions and demonstration of the submission process prior to the due date for the first assessment in the unit. Students who experience technical issues when attempting to submit their assignment should contact ACP IT Support and email their educator.
Examinations and presentations must be attended as scheduled, unless by prior arrangement due to Special Circumstances.Non-attendance at a scheduled assessment may result in a Fail grade for the assessment piece, and may impact a student’s overall grade in the unit.
Late submission of assessments
Should a student without an approved extension fail to submit an assessment piece by the due date,they will attract a 5% penalty for every calendar date the assessment is submitted late. The late penalty is deducted from the total marks available for the assessment piece, not the mark awarded.For example, an assessment worth 50% will incur a late penalty of 2.5 marks per day. No assessment will be accepted after 10 calendar days from the due date unless an extension has been granted.
Should a student require an extension they must apply in accordance with the Official Assessment Extension Guidelines (refer to Attachment 2 of the ACP Assessment Policy and Procedure All students apply online: via the official ACP Extension Application Form.
Special Consideration
Students may submit an Application for Special Consideration based on unforeseeable adverse circumstances which have impacted their, or one or more members of their group’s ability, to meet assessment deadlines. (Refer to Attachment 4 of the ACP Assessment Policy and Procedure and Access the form on the ACAP website).
Receiving marks for assessments
Students will normally be notified of marks for individual assignment via the class space.
Changes to assessments
Other than in exceptional circumstances, no changes should be made to the assessment profile published in this Unit Outline after the end of Week 1 in any teaching period. If after this time it becomes necessary to make changes to an assessment, any modifications must be approved by the Dean and communicated to all students in writing.
Appeals against grades
Each student has the right to appeal against an assessment decision. The student is the only person who can lodge an appeal. In the case of an assessment appeal, the student must approach the unit Academic Teacher directly first and every attempt should be made to resolve the issue at this level. If there are grounds for a more formal appeal, access the ACAP Assessment Appeal Form on the ACAP Website.
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9.Prescribed and Recommended Readings
9.1. Prescribed
The art of integrative counselling
9.2. Recommended
The twelve sections of unit curriculum direct students to readings in the online classroom for this unit. These readings are selected from journals and books that provide additional information or a different perspective on topics covered in each section. They are from a range of authorities and expand the content of this unit.