Weighting: 40%
Length: As required
This assessment item relates to the course learning outcomes.
• Design a mobile application.
• Build and test a mobile application.
• Explore the opportunities for incorporating socially innovative features in mobile applications.
COIT13234 Mobile Software Development Assignment-Australia.

You are required to add the following features to the Find Shelter application.
1.Add a database to your project to store and retrieve details of the shelters
2.Send an email to a shelter requesting accomodation
3.Find your current location
4.Add a new activity that displays a Google Map with both your current location and the location of the current shelter.
• You are to extend the finctionality of the previous assessment
• You may start with the assessment 1 solution provided or your own assignment project
• You may change the layout however you like as long as it meets the functionality specified.
COIT13234 Mobile Software Development Assignment-Australia.

Part A: Application Development
• Add a database to your project to store the shelter details using Room and Live Data
• Load the provided list of shelters into the database on first startup
• Load the List View from the database
• Edits to the shelter’s phone and email only (on the details page) are to be save to the database when details page exits (back is presssed)
• Edits are not to be saved unless the email or phone number has changed
Email Message
When the Email Shelter button in pressed the application will send an email to the current selected shelter
• The email should not open if the shelters name or email is not present.
• Use a string resource for both strings
• Send the email to the shelters email address
• Invoke the Chooser in case they have set the default to something other than email
The message is to be in the format below:
• Obtain your current location (to show as a marker on the map).
• Add the location services to the Map activity
When the Show in Map button in pressed the application will open a Map activity and show the location of the current selected shelter and your current location. The map is to be centered on the shelters location (not your location).
• You may simply add a Map Activity for the map without creating a fragment
o Right click on the project and select New => Activity => Gallery => Map Activity
• Do not display the map if the shelter location has not been set
• Pass the shelters name, latitude and longitude to the map (you can pass the full shelter)
• Centre the map at the location of the shelter with a marker at the shelters location
o Its okay if your current location is off the screen
• Add a marker that displays the shelters name when you click on the marker
• Add a marker for your current location (may be off the screen)
• Add a label to your marker that says “You are Here”
• Set the zoom factor to 14.
Part B: Application Design
Word Count 500-750 words. Do not include an introduction or conclusion. Be concise. It is the ideas and concepts that matter.
Consider that what we have created is simply a prototype. You are to redesign it as a new and extended application with socially innovative features. It would be expected that this will become a client/server application.
1.List the features (functions) of your new design
• Be innovative. Think outside the box. Do not present something trivial
• Be detailed and thorough in your list of features and explanations
2.Detail the functionality that will be implemented on the server
• You can use other APIs (i.e. social media), send, store and fetch data, coordinate other organisations etc
• There are no limitations so again think outside the box
Google Maps Key
1.Creating a New Google Maps Key
You can create a new Google Maps Key but be aware you have a limit of 5 keys.
To create a new Google maps key for this app (note that you have a limit of 5)
• Open google_maps_api.xml
• Ctrl + click on the link at the top of the page.
• Follow the same procedure we did in the tutorial.
2.Reusing Your Tutorial Google Maps Key
If you wish to reuse the key from the tutorial
• Open google_maps_api.xml
• Ctrl + click on the link at the top of the page.
• Do NOT click Create New Project => Continue as we did previously
• Click Select a Project from the top left on the menu bar.
The projects will have random names so if you have more than one you may have to check out the contents to match the key you want to reuse.
• Select a project from the drop down and the name will change in the drop down.
o Note that nothing else will change.
• Select the three horizontal lines to expand the menu at the top left.
• Select APIs & Services => Credentials
• Check the creation Date and the Key to match the key you want to reuse.
• Click Edit (the pencil) on the right of the API key entry.
• In Key restrictions => Application restrictions select None
• Copy the key at the top right if you do not have it elsewhere.
• Select Save
• Paste the key at the bottom of google_maps_api.xml where it says YOUR_KEY_HERE
COIT13234 Mobile Software Development Assignment-Australia.

Problems with Google Maps
If you have problems with Google Maps, try the following.
In your Android Studio project
• Uninstall the app on the phone.
• Select Build => Clean
• Select File => Invalidate Caches / Restart => Invalidate and Restart
• Select Invalidate and Restart