There are TWO (2) major questions in this Take-Home Examination. Answer ALL questions including their constituent parts, following the specific instructions for each question. Answer each question on separate sheets of paper and when done convert the prepared answer from the document processing software used (e.g. MS Word) to PDF ready for upload to the course platform via Each question should be typed in Times New Roman font, size of 12 points and double line space. Each question should NOT exceed 1500 words.Marks will be awarded for good expression, originality and clarity of thought.
CIIS 151 Systems Analysis & Design Fundamentals Assignment- Ghana Technology University College Ghana.

Compu-Fix Computer Repairs
Compu-Fix is a computer repair company operating out of a small workshop. The owner, Agyepong is the only person working in the company but he hopes to expand and employ more engineers in the near future. At present Agyepong holds much of the information about repair jobs in a filing cabinet but this is rather disorganized and he realizes that a computer system would be a better method especially as any new members of staff would also need access to this information.
When a customer brings in a faulty computer Agyepong logs the fault and the customer’s details giving him/her an estimated date for the repair to be completed. Every day he checks the list of repairs and selects the jobs to be done that day. If he finds he doesn’t have the required parts in stock for a repair he places a purchase order with his supplier and reschedules the job to a later date. When a repair is complete and the customer comes to collect the computer, Agyepong gives him/her an invoice and the customer pays immediately.
CIIS 151 Systems Analysis & Design Fundamentals Assignment- Ghana Technology University College Ghana.

Once a week Agyepong checks his stock of parts, and orders any that are getting low from his supplier.
1a) In about 500 words, discuss which system development model you would recommend for developing the system described in the Compu-Fix Computer Repairs case study? Justify your recommendation.
1b)The agile approach was developed in response to the need to deliver systems fast. Critically examine how these methods can be used effectively for developing a system in response to customer change requests.
1c) Produce a Use Case diagram for the Compu-Fix system with the appropriate Use Case Description. (Hint – correct <> or <> relationships will attract additional marks).
This is an apply level question that tests your understanding and practical usage of the various concepts and themes covered on the course.
2a) You began drawing E-R diagrams soon after your entry into the National Health Insurance Authority for which you and your team are designing a Patient Claims Management System. Some of your team members are skeptical about using E-R diagrams before the design of the Patient Claims Management System. In about 200 words, write a brief report to persuade your team members why early use of E-R diagrams is worthwhile.
2b)Western-Rail, one of the regional commuter train system, is trying to train users of its newly installed computer system. For the users to get the proper training, the systems analysts involved with the project sent a memo to the heads of the four departments that include both primary and secondary users. The memo said in part, “Only people who feel as if they require training need to make reservations for off-site training; all others should learn the system as they work with it on the job.” Only 3 of a possible 42 users signed up. The analysts were satisfied that the memo effectively screened people who needed training from those who did not.
(i) In about 250 words, explain how the systems analysts got off the track in their approach to training.
(ii) Outline the steps you would take to ensure that the right people at Western-Rail are trained.
CIIS 151 Systems Analysis & Design Fundamentals Assignment- Ghana Technology University College Ghana.

2c) “Just a little longer . . . I want to be sure this is working correctly before I change over,” says Shika, the owner of three-bathroom accessories boutiques called Tub ‘n Stuff. Her system’s administrator, who helped her set up a new accounting information system, is desperately trying to persuade Shika to change over completely to the new system. Shika has insisted on running the old and new systems in parallel for an entire year.
(i) Briefly describe the general problems involved in using a parallel run conversion strategy for implementing a new information system.
(ii) In a paragraph, try to convince the owner of Tub ‘n Stuff that a year of running a system in parallel is long enough. Suggest a way to end Tub ‘n Stuff’s dual systems that will provide enough reassurance to Shika. (Assume the new system is reliable.)
CIIS 151 Systems Analysis & Design Fundamentals Assignment- Ghana Technology University College Ghana.