1.Which website gives comprehensive information about Australia’s National Quality Framework for education and care services, the National Quality Standards and the relevant approved learning frameworks?
2.Which of the National Quality Standards and the elements refers to planning for children’s learning? List the number and name of the relevant Standard/s and element/s.
3.Explain the steps in the programming cycle.
4.What workplace policies and procedures must an educator follow when developing children’s programs? List the relevant policy/policies.
5.a) Analyse the following 3 observations using the Principles, Practice and Outcomes from the EYLF.
CHCECE024 Design & Implement The Curriculum Assignment-CUA

Observation 1:
Ashley, 20 months, toddles towards the door to the verandah. There are 6 toddlers on the verandah dancing to music. Ashley stops at the door, puts his left hand on the door frame and steps over the lip of the door frame, still keeping his eyes on the children dancing. As he steps over the door frame, he toddles quickly towards the children a huge smile on his face, and waving his arms and hands in front of him. As he gets closer to the children, he accidentally knocks over Connor who falls onto the ground and starts to cry. Ashley looks up at the educator with a quizzical look on his face, he looks back at Connor on the ground and then he starts to cry. The educator joins them and sits down with both Ashleigh and Connor on her lap, talking to them quietly.
Observation 2:
3.5 year old Zana arrives at the service with a plastic container of dragonflies. She hurries over to the educator, holds up the container and tells her “We found these near our house; there were lots and lots of them. Do you know that dragonflies tell you that the Dry season’s coming? But Grandma told me on the phone that it’s nearly winter. What’s winter? Look at all their wings and they’ve got long, long tails. I think they’re hungry though. Dad says they eat mosquitoes and we’ve got lots of mosquitoes here at day care; can we go outside and catch some and feed them to the dragonflies?” As other children gather near and want to look at the dragonflies, Zana leans this ways and that trying to move the children away from her with her body as she tells them “Don’t push; get away, you’re hurting me” and she bursts into tears.
Observation 3:
Alimah, who is 5 years old, has not been in Australia for very long and is still learning to speak English and to become accustomed to the Australian culture. This is her second week at preschool. Arriving at preschool, she hides behind her mother and does not join in the free play with the other children. After 15 minutes of free play, the children sit on the mat. Alimah sits on the edge of the mat very close to her mother who is sitting on a chair nearby. When the educator says “Salaam Alimah!” Alimah looks up and smiles at the teacher; all the children repeat “Salaam Alimah” and Alimah smiles shyly back at the children. The teacher then introduces a new book to the children: When I Was a Girl in Sudan. Alimah looks up at the book and edges slightly closer to the other children. She looks intently at the book and occasionally points at the book while looking back at her mother with a big smile on her face. Her mother nods and points to the book and watches as the teacher read and turns the pages. When the story is finished, the children move away to play but the teacher gives the book to Alimah and she and her mother read the book again.
b) For each of the observations above identify:
- 2 extension experiences for each observation
- Specific objectives for each experience
- Resources required for each experience
6.List six (6) different methods for gathering data about all aspects of children’s learning and development.
7.Explain the process that you use in your service to ensure that each individual child is regularly included in the programming cycle.
8.Explain the process that you use in your service to ensure that each individual child’s learning and development is monitored against each Learning Outcome on a regular basis.
CHCECE024 Design & Implement The Curriculum To Foster Children’s Learning & Development Assignment -Charles University Australia.

Task 2: Workplace Project
Design and implement a curriculum plan for a group of children over a two week programming cycle. Present evidence of the following:
Part 1 – Preparing the curriculum:
1.Using a variety of observation styles; record a total of 8 observations of individuals and groups of children engaged in both planned and unplanned experiences that will inform the curriculum plan. This should happen over no less than one week.
2.Analyse each observation and identify children’s interests, strengths and goals using the approved learning framework of your service.
3.Identify further learning experiences, opportunities, routine practices or transitions for each observation. These must link to the interests, strengths and goals identified in the analysis.
4.For the curriculum plan;
Identify and document clear, achievable and specific objectives for the group using:
a) the interests, strengths and opportunities identified in the observations
b) the approved framework of your service
c) you service or personal philosophy
5.Identify and document the resources, equipment and materials required for the curriculum plan.
6.Design your curriculum plan; this can be presented in a floor plan or table format. Document how the physical environment will set up effectively. It must include a sufficient amount of learning experiences that:
a) address the approved framework learning outcomes
b) foster holistic development
c) provide continuity of learning and transitions
7.To ensure children’s learning will be monitored and assessed effectively, describe the roles of each educator contributing to the implementation of the plan. These roles need to be consistent with the principles and practices of the approved learning framework of your service.
Part 2 – Implementing the curriculum:
Implement the curriculum plan over a two week period. During this time ensure that:
8.You have the required resources, materials and equipment according to the plan.
9.The physical environment is set up effectively.
10.You engage in sustained interactions with children to co-construct meaning and understanding and support their learning and development.
11.You model and promote learning dispositions such as; courage, resilience, self- regulation, curiosity, perseverance, creativity etc. (see pg. 93 of your Learning Guide).
12.Monitor and reflect on the children’s learning.
14.Monitor and reflect on your own pedagogical practices.
CHCECE024 Design & Implement The Curriculum To Foster Children’s Learning & Development Assignment -Charles University Australia.

Part 3 – Assessing and evaluating the curriculum:
Assess and evaluate as you implement the curriculum plan.
15.Using a variety of observation styles; record 8 observations of both individual and groups of children engaged in both planned and unplanned experiences.
16.Analyse each observation and identify interests, strengths and goals using the approved learning framework of your service.
17.Identify further learning experiences, opportunities, routine practices or transitions for each observation. These must link to the interests, strengths and goals identified in the analysis.
18.Record daily reflections that focus on the following:
a.Were sufficient materials, resources and equipment available? If not, how could they be improved?
b.Was the physical environment set up sufficiently to support children’s learning and development as planned? If not, how could it be improved?
c.Were children engaged in sustained interactions and play? If not, how could they be improved?
d.Were dispositions for learning modelled and promoted? If not, how could they be improved?
19.Create opportunities to receive feedback on the strengths and future goals of the plan from other educators, families and children. Use this feedback to modify the plan.
20.Evaluation of the curriculum plan. Describe how:
a) The service or your personal philosophy is reflected in the plan.
b) Relevant service policies and procedures were followed.
c) The relevant quality areas, standards and elements from the National Quality Standards were addressed.
d)The ECA Code of Ethics is addressed throughout the plan.
e) The relevant articles from the Convention on the Rights of the Child are reflected in the plan.
f) Any particular approaches to curriculum planning influenced the curriculum plan design.
21)Evaluate your own pedagogical practices.
Using the Reflecting on my curriculum questions on page 31 in your Learner Guide; give a detailed description on your reflections of your own pedagogical practices. Describe how you will make continuous improvements and what information or current practice may affect these changes. This evaluation should be 1 page in length.
CHCECE024 Design & Implement The Curriculum To Foster Children’s Learning & Development Assignment -Charles University Australia.