Subject Code & Title: CHCCSM004 Simulated Practical Inter agency Meeting
Assessment Type : Simulated Practical Inter agency Meeting
Aligned Learning Outcomes: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.3, 3.2
Length: 10 – 15 minutes
The assessment will focus on the workplace and your role in the industry as a case manager. You will be expected to have knowledge and understanding of how to assess a client’s needs, development of a case plan, and monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of a case plan. You will also be expected to demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively with a child and the child’s family/carer/s to successfully deliver a child-centred outcome.
CHCCSM004 Simulated Practical Inter agency Meeting Assessment 3 – ACAP Australia.

You will be required to show evidence of an understanding of:
• assessment and the development and closure of a case plan;
• the stages of childhood development and child abuse;
• legal requirements around child protection;
• child-centred practices and how they can be used to benefit children;
• case conference operation and who is involved; and,
• the importance of communication in successful case management.
Simulated case conference and class discussion
Using the case study for Mr XXX from Assessment 2, which is repeated below, you are required to participate in the simulated case conference. The meeting is designed to facilitate and demonstrate the skills needed to implement a case plan and further consolidate the partnerships within your organisation and with other professionals. You are required to prepare an agenda and bring it to the case conference on the day. You are also required to bring your completed case plan developed in Assessment 2 Part B.
The task will require you to demonstrate a variety of skills such as how you communicate, teamwork dynamics, and the development of goals, time management and conflict resolution (if any).
For the purpose of this assessment actors will be employed to take the role of the client.
Part A: Case management skills practice
Simulated case conference guidelines:
• Ten minutes will be allocated for each simulated role play with each student being required to take on the role of the case manager and the client.
• Students will need to arrange themselves in groups of six to enable all students to have the opportunity to experience the scenario from the perspective of both the client and the case manager.
• Students will change groups during the task, to enable a variety of approaches to be experienced.
• You are to take the role of the chair of the meeting and briefly outline your role at the start of the case conference. You are also required to select a minute taker and briefly outline the role to this person in the meeting.
• One member of each group will assume the role of the worker, while the other group members will assume the roles of the client (employed by an actor), mental health worker, AOD worker/counsellor, school representative, Child protection case worker, and a note taker who will take minutes and record outcomes.
After the stimulated case conference, students will (as a group) share their experience of the skills practice session using the discussion questions listed below and discuss how their role as case manager in the skills practice session scenario could have been improved.
Use the case plan template provided in Assessment 2 to assist in the meeting process.
During the simulated case conference, the following will be observed:
a) Chair of the meeting and outline of role and selected a minute taker and outlined the role of the minute taker
b) client confidentiality, client’s rights and responsibilities, case manager and other stakeholders’ rights and responsibilities
c) establishing rapport with client and other stakeholders
d) defining roles of participants including chair and minute taker
e) Identifying and providing any assistance to any participants such as interpreter
f) briefly explaining each worker’s role in Mr XXX case planning process
g) facilitating discussion
h) identifying and negotiating client’s goals
i) empowering Mr XXX to make her own decisions
During the simulated case conference, the following will be observed:
a) Chair of the meeting and outline of role and selected a minute taker and outlined the role of the minute taker
b) client confidentiality, client’s rights and responsibilities, case manager and other stakeholders’ rights and responsibilities
c) establishing rapport with client and other stakeholders
d) defining roles of participants including chair and minute taker
e) Identifying and providing any assistance to any participants such as interpreter
f) briefly explaining each worker’s role in Mr XXX case planning process
g) facilitating discussion
h) identifying and negotiating client’s goals
i) empowering Mr XXX to make her own decisions
j) address cultural consideration including community politics, ethnic and religious belief
k) resolving conflict
l) establishing processes for monitoring and changing the case plan
m) discussion around the legal processes and the workings of court with the assumption that this case will need to go to court as children at risk situation
n) discussion on how the client may appeal any court decision
o) discussion around any resource constraints other service providers may have been experiencing and include any time constraints that may have occurred.
p) discussion around the advocacy and support requirements needed by the client
q) implementing strategies to continually monitor the effectiveness of the case management process against agreed goals, relevant services and programs
r) identifying, negotiating and recording outcomes
s) obtain feedback from Mr XXX about the services
CHCCSM004 Simulated Practical Inter agency Meeting Assessment 3 – ACAP Australia.

Skills practice session scenario:
Case Study:
Mr.XXX is 32 years old; currently unemployed and speaks limited English. She is a young mother who now is the full time carer of her two children, xxx (14) and Tyson (12).
Mr.XXX separated from her husband due to reported domestic abuse. Mr.XXX converted to xxx when she married her former partner.Coming from a xxxx background her husband believed that Mr.XXX role was purely to look after the children and alcohol was banned. Since leaving her husband Mr.XXX no longer observes the customs and traditions of her Muslim background.
Mr.XXX has issues with alcohol misuse and is a client at an alcohol and other drug (AOD) service although she does not disclose this to you at the interview.
The school in referring to your organisation includes information about poor school attendance,reported regular late-night parties, and that the children are often unsupervised. The children have come to school with bruising on their arms and legs. They often arrive without the necessary school materials and lunch. Tyson is often sad and displays behaviour issues (such as not completing work,ignoring teachers and truancy), the school fears in the future he will eventually drop out of school altogether. xxx teacher has been concerned about xxx due to her violent outbursts
followed by silences and crying. In summary the school is concerned about the children’s safety. xxx has reported they may become homeless as her Mum has not paid the rent.
A referral was made to the local Balli more Community Centre where you, as the case manager will take on the case of Mr. XXX her two children.
Case manager:
After meeting with Mr. XXX and identifying her primary needs you have made several referrals to other community organisations, such as a mental health team, Health Child Well being Unit, an AOD worker, a school representative and a life skills counsellor.
Four weeks later, you are holding a case conference meeting with Mr. XXX and her two children along with the other services/workers currently involved in supporting them. The purpose of this meeting is to further consolidate the partnership with other professionals, establish that there is a clear distinction of service delivery by each provider, monitor the support services that have been provided to Mr. XXX, xxx and Tyson and empower each of them to take responsibility and make appropriate and positive life choices.
CHCCSM004 Simulated Practical Inter agency Meeting Assessment 3 – ACAP Australia.

Marking of assessment:
1.Your online or on-campus teacher will assess your competency for this subject.
2.All students will be assessed against the marking criteria.
3.All students are to submit the completed observer and teacher marking criteria to the appropriate assessment drop box in the class space.