Subject Code & Title : CHC50113 Advanced Workplace Health And Safety
There are five tasks to complete for the knowledge assessment component.
1. Task 1 is a hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control
2. Task 2 is to develop a WHS induction training plan
3. Task 3 is to develop a policy and procedure for safe collection of children
4. Task 4 is to email class mates about WHS procedures (different one) over three weeks
5. Task 5 is to complete a WHS checklist Housekeeping, observe over 5 days and report
CHC50113 Advanced Workplace Health And Safety Assessment – ZOL Education.

Where required, consult your services policies and procedures and all frameworks, regulations and quality standards for information.
You will be provided with electronic templates to use throughout the Project. Ask your assessor how to access these. They must be used electronically – hand written submissions will not be accepted unless otherwise instructed. Once completed each page must have your name, the date and the cluster name in the footer.
Create a project folder called “Project 1” that you will present to your assessor on completion.
a. Using the Hazard Identification Checklist Template provided conduct a walk-through of your centre (both indoors and outdoors) and mark each area with a Y (yes, found a hazard) or N (no hazard found).
b.When completed, use the Risk Assessment Matrix to determine the level of risk for any hazards you found and check with your assessor or supervisor that your determinations are appropriate.
c.Using the hierarchy of controls implement the risk controls you decide on. For example, if a bin is over flowing, eliminate the risk by emptying it. Remember, there may be more than one method to control the risk.
d.Once controlled, revisit the hazard and determine if there is any residual risk.
e.Type a short report about the hazards you have identified and the risk controls you have implemented along with any residual risk. The report should be approximately 150-250 words. The report is to be discussed with your assessor in your performance assessment.
f.Email your report to two other students outlining the steps you took to identify the hazards and control the risk.
Add the completed Hazard Identification Checklist and the two emails you sent to your Project 1 folder.
You are to develop a WHS training plan for the induction of new employees by listing the information you will provide/and or the tasks you might devise to assist the employees to develop the relevant knowledge or skills.
A training plan template has been provided on the following pages.
The WHS training plan is to include the following information:
1. Time frame for completion.
2. WHS obligations of employer and employee.
3.List of documents (including policies, procedures and instructions) for carrying out duties in a safe manner.
4. List of documents (including policies, procedures and instructions) for carrying out duties related to the health and safety of children.
5. Workplace requirements in relation to car safety
6.Workplace requirements in relation to PPE (personal protection equipment)
7. Safe use of electrical equipment
8. Safe use of chemicals
9. Procedures for reporting hazards and reducing risks in the workplace
10. Emergency evacuation procedures
11. Injury management/first aid procedures
12. Administration of medications to children procedures
14. Child protection protocols
15. Managing workplace stress
Use the Training Plan Template for this task.
CHC50113 Advanced Workplace Health And Safety Assessment – ZOL Education.

Explain the process you used to determine which specific legislative and regulatory requirements needed to be included in the training?
1.How are you able to confirm the information is relevant and up to date when using WHS policies and procedures?
Complete a role play with another student using your training plan to train them on one aspect of the plan including a practical demonstration of the use of PPE and safe housekeeping practices.
This can be a demonstration for injury management, storage of medications, safe food handling etc.
Ensure you understand the policy and can carry out the required procedures for practical demonstration.
Your trainer will use the Observation checklist 1 in the skills section of this assessment booklet. Please read this before commencing your session.
Add the completed Training plan, Task 2B questions and responses and Observation checklist 1 to your Project 1 folder.
For this task, you will develop a policy and procedure for the safe collection of children. Ensure you use the regulations, frameworks and quality standards as guidance.
All services are required to have a policy and procedures in place to ensure the safe collection of children. You will develop your own outlining the policy i.e. what the service is committed to doing and procedures i.e. how
the service will uphold the commitment. Ensure you include enough detail about supervisor and educator responsibilities, who can collect children, late collection of children, emergency situations and what parents and guardians are responsible for.
You may use any format you like for this policy. 1 page of information is sufficient as long as it covers everything outlined above.
For this task, you will operate drop off and pick up procedures over a period of five days during your work placement.
Using the service’s policy and procedures, you are required to run the drop off and or pick up times over five days during your work placement. Your assessor must observe at least two of the drop off times you are managing. Your room leader may observe the other three. Observation checklist 2 will be used for this task.
For this task, you will send three emails to fellow students. Each email will be sent over a three-week period and you will print each email and add it to your project 1 folder.The purpose of this task is to demonstrate your knowledge about the service’s WHS procedures and how you apply that knowledge. Over a period of three weeks you will send an email to fellow students about three different WHS procedures. In the emails, discuss when you would use the procedures and use examples. For example, if a child received a minor cut while playing outside you would use the First Aid procedure and outline the steps you would take. Please ensure the procedures you use are relevant to the situations you would apply them to.
For this task, you complete a daily WHS checklist over five days for the room you are working in. Your supervisor will observe you conducting the checks and sign each checklist. Once completed and signed off add
them to your project 1 folder. Add the completed P&P for the safe collection of children, Observation Checklist 2, three emails to your fellow students and five housekeeping checklists to your Project 1 folder.
Instructions to student
For this task, you will create a folder called Portfolio of Evidence. In that folder, you will add the following information and present it to your assessor once completed.
Please ensure you have received permission to make copies and take photos and where possible, blank out the names of children or any other personal details.
1. Using the room diagram provided, outline how you ensure that groupings of children are configured so that each child is comfortable and areas are not overcrowded
2. Outline on the room diagram where you have designated an area for quiet activities
3. A copy of the prescribed schedule for washing children’s toys and equipment showing where you have signed it as completed.
4. Draft and print an email which provides families with information and support that helps them to follow the service’s hygiene procedures
5. A photo showing how the service complies with displaying information about correct hand washing procedures
6.Research and download information about recognised health and safety guidelines in relation to infectious diseases
7. Draft and print an email notifying parents of a scenario where a child who has been attending the service has been diagnosed with pertussis (whooping cough). Your email should include an explanation about the disease, its incubation period and what procedures have been and will
continue to be followed. The email should also contain information about how the service will configure groupings of children to minimise the risk of further illness.
8. Draft and print an email to the public health authority advising them of the whooping cough scenario and provide them with relevant information.
9. A photo showing current records of children’s immunisation status and the procedure which is in place to maintain the currency of the records.
10 Research and download information you could give parents to inform them of the importance of vaccinating their child against whooping cough
11. A copy of safety check records which have been implemented and the action which has been taken because of the checks
12. A copy of an asthma management plan for a child
13. A photo of any warning signs being displayed where chemicals are located
14. A copy of current food safety checks/audits which have been conducted
15. A copy of basic training and testing information which is made available to educators giving instruction on how to move and fit car seats, restraints and booster seats (applicable to the age of relevant child)
16. A photo showing how the service prominently displays emergency phone numbers and procedures throughout the service
17. An outline of how all educators have ready access to a phone or similar means of communication
18. A copy of the service handbook which communicates information to families about the service’s emergency procedures and incident management plans
19. A copy of records of the emergency equipment available, when it was last tested and which staff are trained in the use of it
20. An outline of the location of portable records of children’s emergency contacts in case of emergencies and how you maintain the currency of the information.
CHC50113 Advanced Workplace Health And Safety Assessment – ZOL Education.
Instructions to student
This is a Case Study task outlining the details of an incident at an early learning centre. Read through the information then complete the WHS incident notification form using the information provided. Extra information has already been included in the form.
Create a folder called “Case Studies” to submit to your assessor.
XXX Chambers (38 years) is a happy and energetic Diploma trained educator. She thinks that some of the policies and procedures in relation to WHS are ‘way over the top’. XXX has worked in child care for 15 years
and has never had a ‘real’ accident; however, she has had lots of near misses!
XXX is employed as a senior educator at Reflections Early Learning Centre, 55 Smiths Rd, Jones Bay.
XXX thinks it’s a waste of time having to use a stepladder or waiting around for someone to help lift bulky items. XXX usually stands on a plastic crate to reach the higher shelves in the outdoor storeroom. She argues that it’s more convenient and easier to access than the stepladder.

Yesterday (Tuesday 27th March at 8. 20 am) XXX was standing on a crate so that she could access a basket of plastic dinosaurs, when it gave way. Kari fell backwards, badly bruising her shoulder and hip and breaking her
xxxx, another Diploma educator was just outside the storage shed when the accident occurred. He applied immediate first aid by making XXX as comfortable as possible without moving her, calling an ambulance, and icing her ankle.
XXX was taken to the local public hospital- she required an operation to place a pin in her ankle and will be off work for at least eight weeks.
Once you have completed your incident form you will answer the following questions:
1.Which policies and procedures do you think xxxx will have put into action for this incident?
2.Do you believe Kari was negligent in her complacency about using a stepladder? Explain your response.
Add the completed Incident Form to your case studies folder along with the completed questions.
Instructions to student
This is a Case Study task where you complete an excursion plan for pre-school children.
Using the information in case study 2, complete the Excursion Risk Management Plan and then answer the questions which follow.
Use the risk assessment matrix and hierarchy of control provided to you in Task 1 to determine the levels of risk and risk controls.
You are the Pre-school room leader at Reflections Early Learning Centre and have decided to take the children in your room on an excursion to the Reverse Art Truck as part of their learning about recycling and sustainability. The purpose of the trip is to show the children how materials can be recycled and upcycled from an art perspective. In preparation for the excursion children will be asked to think about an art project they
would like to do and make a list of materials they think they might need.
Your task is to plan for the management of any risks you can identify. The following information is to be considered when planning your excursion:
1. The excursion will take place on 15 th June.
2. There are fifteen pre-schoolers and permission slips have been returned to say they are all able to go.
3. Reflections has an annual membership with Reverse Art Truck which is located 10 km from Reflections ELC.
4. Reflections ELC has a 12-seater bus which you can utilise but you will need to organise other transportation as well or in place of. This may include hiring a larger bus.
5.Three parents have offered to join the excursion and assist. Everyone is over the age of 25 and have full driver licences.
6. The route will be the most direct possible which is leaving 55 Smiths Rd, Jones Bay, turning left at Taylor Highway, taking Exit 5 onto Jones Rd and arriving at the Reverse Art Truck facility at 200 Jones Rd.
7. The excursion should be around three hours long in total and will commence at 9 am.
8. Once at the Reverse Art Truck, children will be able to see the materials available to them and can take 2 large garbage bags of material back to the centre.
9. There are no water hazards as part of the excursion.
10. Three of the children going have asthma management plans.
CHC50113 Advanced Workplace Health And Safety Assessment – ZOL Education.
Once you have completed your risk management plan you will answer the following questions:
1.How did you determine the type of transportation required for the excursion?
3.Apart from a First Aid kit, asthma management plans and medications, what other items would you consider to be important to take? Include any other documentation.
CHC50113 Advanced Workplace Health And Safety Assessment – ZOL Education.

4.What strategies will you use to ensure the supervision of the children at all times?