Unit Title: Case Formulation
Weighting: 40%
Word count: 2 ,000 words (+/-10%)
In this assessment, you will demonstrate your case formulation skills by applying culturally appropriate responses to a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) case study.you should consult the assessment rubric when preparing your submission.
Case Formulation Assessment 3 – Adelaide University Australia.

The purpose of this assessment is for you to use critical analysis to apply your knowledge in relation to advanced professional communication and interpersonal skills and case formulation. This assessment task also requires you to demonstrate your ability to communicate issues relevant to CALD groups in a manner that is reflexive, culturally appropriate and sensitive to the diversity of individuals.
This assessment maps to the following course learning outcomes:•Determine and integrate culturally responsive practices in interviewing and professional communication.•Respond appropriately to diverse psychological problems within a professional setting.
Your tasks:
Write a case formulation based on the case example of William provided below. Undertake the following steps to write the case formulation:
1.Read the case example and identify the presenting problem, as well as the 4 Ps: predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating, and protective factors.You should use the formulation matrix template provided below. However, you must also reference the relevant factors in your narrative.

4 Ps Biological Psychological Social Predisposing Precipitating Perpetuating
2.You are required to use reference material to assist in your case formulation. Choose at least one theoretical perspective, as well as other relevant information (e.g., cultural background information), and research to support your case formulation. For example, you may choose to research and refer to attachment theory to support your psychological predisposing factors.
Link your theoretical perspective/s to your explanation of the presenting problem in your written case formulation.
Case Formulation Assessment 3 – Adelaide University Australia.

3.Prepare a written case formulation, which is structured in essay format. At a minimum, this should include:
•clear indication of the presenting problem
•the 4Ps: predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating and protective factors
•a hypothesis or hypotheses for the cause/s of the presenting problem
•the area/s which could be addressed in treatment — you do not need to specify a treatment modality (e.g., cognitive be havioural therapy)
Refer to the rubric when preparing your written case formulation.
Your assessment should be structured to form a coherent narrative. You may use subheadings if you wish, but make sure to link these ideas together to form a coherent structure and flow throughout the case formulation.
Case example:
William is a 51-year-old married man who has recently stopped working as a result of difficulties related to his physical health. He had been employed in a low-skill job that was physically demanding. Although he frequently experienced physical pain, he had not sought medical attention. Since William ceased working, his level of activity has declined, and he feels somewhat isolated. He smokes cigarettes more often than he had previously. William’s wife, Farah, has noticed that he is eating less than usual. William spends his days watching television or reading, which are activities he enjoys. He also continues to recognise his religious beliefs.William’s connection with his family is such that he prioritises the family unit over his own needs. William has weekly contact with his two daughters, who are both married. These occasions are happy, and William makes an effort to appear as though life is continuing as normal. William also maintains regular contact with his uncle in India through telephone conversations. However, William has not disclosed to his uncle that he has ceased working. Both of William’s parents are deceased. William has recognised that since he stopped working, he has thought more about his time residing in India, where he was born. He is reflective about his
decision to migrate to Australia 13 years ago. In particular, he finds himself focused on the fact that he was educated and employed in skilled work in India. He feels some bitterness about being underemployed in Australia, in a job that caused him physical pain.William’s wife arranges for him to speak with a psychologist, because she has some concerns about how he is coping. Farah is particularly concerned that her husband appears to have withdrawn from her and their friends. She views William’s current behaviour as unusual, recalling the only other times he appeared to struggle were when each of his parents died. Although William expresses some reluctance and is concerned about stigma associated with seeing a psychologist, he agrees to attend an initial appointment.
Case Formulation Assessment 3 – Adelaide University Australia.

Requirements :
The assessment is to be submitted as a text document (doc, Words, pdf).
Format your assessment using Times New Roman, size 12 font, double spaced.The word count for this assessment is 2,000 words (+/-10%). Writing succinctly is an important skill in psychology. Anything written beyond this limit will not be read or counted towards your grade. Your case formulation must cite a minimum of four references (references should be appropriate scholarly sources for an academic paper). References should adhere to APA 7 formatting requirements, and you will need to include a reference list as part of your assessment. The reference list does not count towards your word limit, but in-text citations are included in the word count.