Assessment 3: Marketing Communication report
Assessment type: Report (individual)
Word limit: 1750 (+/- 10%)The word limit excludes the Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Tables, Diagrams and Reference List
Weighting: 30%
BUSM4739 Marketing For Managers Assignment-RMIT University Australia.
This Marketing Communications report is relevant as it is the culmination of your analysis and arguments in your Marketing Intelligence (Assessment 1) and Value Proposition (Assessment 2). In this report, you will need to propose a new Marketing Communications (Promotion) strategy by considering the findings of your Assessment 1 and the new value proposition proposed to the Industry Partner. You will refer to the Assessment 2 feedback to prepare for Assessment 3.
To be successful in this assessment, you must be able to draw insights from both Assessment 1 and 2 and synthesise a clear, consistent, compelling, ethical and sustainable communications strategy valuable for the Industry Partner and its customers. This is one of the most imperative tasks in developing a marketing communications plan, which is a major marketing skill to develop. When constructing your argument for this assessment, you will combine competency of analysis, critical thinking and developing
an argument to support your proposal.
You are required to demonstrate your understanding and showcase superior application of major concepts in Marketing Communications i.e. Push and Pull strategy, Content and Digital Marketing, the 5As Customer Path scenario and all other relevant concepts from the course. Remember to consider the current digital, local and global trends in marketing when proposing and justifying your strategy.
Assessment criteria:
This assessment will measure your ability to:
1.Conduct a Push and Pull strategy analysis and formulate relevant overarching communications strategy of an organisation.
2.Conduct Customer Path analysis using the 5As model
3.Formulate a marketing communications plan that demonstrates alignment with Market Intelligence insights the brand purpose and value proposition
4.Present a marketing report in a clear, concise, informative and professional format
Course learning outcomes:
This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes:
CLO1 Apply the key concepts and tools of marketing theory and practice to enable application of marketing functions in a professional context.
CLO2 Implement the strategic marketing planning process to develop and manage a marketing plan.
CLO4 Analyse quantitative and qualitative information to assess risk implications in business decisions.
BUSM4739 Marketing For Managers Assignment-RMIT University Australia.
Assessment details
You are required to propose a Marketing Communications plan for the Industry partner by considering your findings from Assessment 1 and Assessment 2 proposal. The Marketing Communications plan needs to demonstrate your ability to use the several marketing communications models imparted in the course and your skills to take into consideration the current digital and global trends in Marketing. The purpose of this report is to consider the marketing communications that is in alignment with your proposed growth strategy (Assessment 1) and the refined value proposition (Assessment 2).
Digital innovation has heightened the influence of consumers, with human needs and desires, who act in a social context enabled by technology. A key component of this report is to present a robust argument for a comprehensive and successful marketing communications plan. It requires evidence of insights and insightful market intelligence (Assessment 1), which informs the brand purpose and proposed value proposition (Assessment 2) and relies on important decisions regarding communication and value delivery channels (Assessment 3).
Report Structure Requirements
The below sections are a guideline to follow for Assessment 3:
Executive summary:
The summary provides a summation of the report’s aim and findings. An executive summary is beneficial for Executives who might not have time to read an entire report but want to understand the main findings/highlights of the report. The executive summary is not an introduction that informs what is to come.
The reader needs to know exactly what you did and why, and importantly what you found and recommend. The conclusion of your proposed argument (recommendation, or key findings) appears in your executive summary.
Section 1: The Overarching Marketing Communications Strategy
The aim is to establish an overarching strategy that is based on your marketing intelligence findings (Assessment 1) and your proposed brand purpose and value proposition (Assessment 2).
The aim of this section is two-fold.
- Provide an analysis of which strategy that the Industry Partner is using by providing some examples or evidence to justify your analysis.
- Propose which strategy that is best for the Industry Partner to move forward. It is possible to propose both strategies where relevant.
All findings and information discussed in this section need to be properly referenced.
Section 2: Customer Path
Once you have determined the most relevant overarching communications strategy in the above section,next is to apply the 5A’s model to analyse the Customer Path, which is needed to identify possible customer touchpoints and relevant communications channels. The aim of this section is to understand the brand-customer relationship in order to suggest relevant marketing communications strategy that is appealing to the customers.
All findings and information discussed in this section need to be properly referenced.
BUSM4739 Marketing For Managers Assignment-RMIT University Australia.
Section 3: Marketing Communications Plan
This section is the culmination of the entire report. Now that you have proposed an overarching communications strategy (Section 1) and analysed the customer Path scenario (Section 2), your task in this section is to develop a well-rounded Marketing Communications plan for the Industry Partner. Remember to incorporate the major communications concepts taught in the course i.e. content marketing, communications strategy and metrics as well as the digital, local and global Marketing trends.
Section 4: Conclusions
Provide a comprehensive conclusion of your report, drawing from the content of Section 1-3.