Subject Code & Title : BUSM4588 Key Concepts In Human Resource Management
Assessment Type : Essay, individual
Weighting : 20%
Word limit : 1000 (+/– 10%)
Minimum no of references: Two peer reviewed journal articles
Overview :
In this assessment, you will harness your critical thinking and analysis skills to produce an essay that synthesises the key arguments and assertions from two peer reviewed journal articles, as they relate to the AHRI model of excellence. As more people are hired for how they think, than what they do, you will not only augment the skills required of you in postgraduate studies, yet also become more attune to the vulnerabilities we possess in making everyday decisions. Your application of critical thinking and analysis in this assessment will help to improve your thought processes and enable you to become a well-versed member of any team, anywhere.
BUSM4588 Essay 1 Key Concepts In Human Resource Management – RMIT University Australia.

Learning Outcomes :
This assessment is linked with the following Course Learning Outcomes:
CLO 2: Analyse issues using key concepts based on HRM theories to formulate appropriate strategies that can be successfully applied in workplace contexts.
CLO 3: Evaluate and apply a critical awareness of the effect of HRM practices on ethical, social, economic,political, technological and environmental factors that impact on organisations and the labour market.
CLO 4: Analyse the relevance of selected HRM theories and apply approaches that appropriately manage employees in domestic and global workplaces.
Assessment details :
Refer to the following steps to help you construct the core elements required in your essay.
Step 1: Review the Course Schedule in Canvas select one or two course topics that sparks interest or you feel passionate about.
You can choose to focus on one or two course topics. For example, you may wish to explore ‘Building HRM systems,HRIS and recruiting and selecting employees’ (Week 2) and/or ‘Employee relations and work/life balance’ (Week 3).
You may also jump ahead past Week 3 and choose a topic from Week 4-6, for example ‘Rewards’ in Week 5. The key is to ensure the topic(s) selected is covered in the overall course.
Step 2: Find two peer reviewed journal articles related to your topic(s).
• If you have selected one topic you will select two articles related to this topic.
• If you have selected two topics, you will select one article for each topic.
• You are free to use the same or different authors for the articles.
• As HRM is a fast-moving discipline, the more recent the article the better, however, if there is a quality article that is still relevant and has not been advanced in regard to development of theory, then quality wins.
BUSM4588 Essay 1 Key Concepts In Human Resource Management – RMIT University Australia.

Thinking ahead to Assessments 2 and 3, select articles that will be helpful in working on these two assessments. Selecting articles that will be useful in Assessments 2 and 3 is a way in which you can use your learning and research time more effectively.
Finding peer reviewed journal articles
Start by exploring the following list of peer reviewed HRM journals.
• Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources
• Journal of Human Resources
• Journal of Organizational Behavior
• International Journal of Human Resource Management
• Personnel Review
• South Asian Journal of Human Resource Management
Step 3: Critically analyse the two journal articles.
• Identify the author’s key points, arguments and assertions.
• Explain the strength of the key points, arguments and assertions based on evidence related to the research that is cited and outlined in the articles. Consider whether the research is current, relevant, reliable and valid.
Key points : What the article is about.
Arguments : • Idea of putting forward in support and against a proposition, providing evidence.
• Idea of making a case.
• Putting forward discussion with evidence to make a case.
Assertions : Idea of making a positive statement and declaring a statement to be true.
BUSM4588 Essay 1 Key Concepts In Human Resource Management – RMIT University Australia.
Step 4: Consider how the articles reflect contemporary HR theories and concepts.
Was the author’s research valid, reliable and how does it compare to the competencies described in the AHRI model of excellence
Recommended essay structure :

Assessment support :
Essay writing tips
• Understanding an assignment topic (RMIT Learning Lab).
• Essay writing overview (RMIT Learning Lab).
• Writing an essay (RMIT Learning Lab).
Analysis and synthesis of information
• Developing a critical approach (RMIT Learning Lab).
• Critical reading (RMIT Learning Lab).
BUSM4588 Essay 1 Key Concepts In Human Resource Management – RMIT University Australia.
Referencing help
• Library referencing guides.
• Easy Cite referencing tool.

General resources :
• HRM library subject guide will introduce you to Human Resource Management resources that will help you with your assignments and research at RMIT University. It is a useful starting point and provides you
• with information on how to get help.
• Writing skills (RMIT Learning Lab).
• Study skills (RMIT Learning Lab).
• Managing my time (RMIT Learning Lab).