Module Assignment Brief
The assignment is in the form of an essay with the title:
"How Might Leadership Affect Safety Management?"
BUS700 Organisation and Safety Management (INDG 417) Assignment Help Juniata College
You should plan and structure your essay to follow a logical thread that examines Leadership, and then discusses how Leadership and good Safety Management are linked or may be presented in terms of effects. The assignment is not restricted to a particular format, but within the assignment you should discuss why Leadership is important and why the effects of possession of Leadership may be advantageous or adversely why absence of Leadership may be disadvantageous. Relate these to published examples and
reference them correctly.
Leadership is a huge discussion subject, there are no right or wrong answers, and it
may be advantageous to confine the discussion to a particular area, or topic, such as:
Accident management
Effects on morale
Effects on profit
Effects on Organisational Communication
Effects of Organisational Effectiveness
Effects on Organisational Development
Developing Personal Competence
Leadership Competence
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The above are just some examples and are not definitive!
The assignment is designed to test learning outcomes, so don't spend more
time than absolutely necessary referring to health and safety law or detailed technical controls for specific hazards.
A marking scheme for the essay is given below, so make sure that your essay covers all the sections in the scheme indicated.
As stated the assignment can be in any format you wish but as with any
subject to be discussed should provide a balanced overview with discussion topics provided to support, aligned to discussion topics that may give a counter view.
A key document for this assignment is INDG 417 Your assignment must be a printed document with a word count attached (a package like MS Word can do this automatically).
Note the upper limit is 2000 words.
Make sure you reference all your sources fully using the Harvard System (refer to Skills for Learning for more information on this) or use the site below
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You must indicate the reference in summary at the point of use e.g. (Burnes 1996
p.25) And then in full under the heading References at the end of the essay e.g.
Burnes B (1996). Managing Change. Pitman. London.
If you cite internet sources, be sure to give the complete address and the date that
you accessed it within the reference section.
A Bibliography is NOT required.
It is acceptable to add supplementary information, such as accident statistics, lists of statutes, methods, diagrams etc. taken directly from a source as Appendices (again
with a proper reference) and refer to them from the main text.
Marking Scheme : BUS700 Organisation and Safety Management (INDG 417) Assignment Help
The assignment will address the following learning outcomes and key skills
1) be able to describe the differing elements of organisational challenges associated
with leadership;
2) understand the human and organisational factors that may affect the application
or effectiveness of leadership to health and safety in the workplace
3) be able to assess the effectiveness of leadership in relation to health and safety;
Feedback on your assignment will be provided prior to starting your end of module
exam, hence you can use your essay and its feedback during your revision for the
end examination.
Remember – You need to submit an electronic copy through Turnitin