Assessment Requirements:You are required to conduct an integrated project to reflect your knowledge and skills that acquired during your degree study. Your project can be a real world situation, e.g., your current or previous employer (please get permission from them before start), or any company that you are familiar with. Otherwise, you can choose from a case that is listed in below table:
Requirements: BUS301 – Integrated Capstone Project Assignment Help
a) You can choose to conduct this project individually or in Group;
b) Submit the progress reports (no more than 2 pages);
c) Submit the final Project Report.
In your project report, you can address one or more aspects from the following key areas to discuss:
• Industry and competitive analysis
• Company resources and capabilities
• Global or multinational strategy
• E-business strategy issues
• Diversification strategies and the analysis of multi-business corporations
• Financial conditions and financial analysis
• Staffing, people management, incentives and rewards
• Organizational structure, core competencies, competitive capabilities, staffing
• Policies, procedures, operating systems, best practices, continuous improvement
• Corporate culture issues
• Ethics, values, social responsibility
• Corporate communication and public relations
In your final report, you need include:
Section 1. Executive Summary;
Section 2. Background of the company / topic being studied;
Section 3. Issues / Problems that being analysed;
Section 4. Detailed analysis of the identified issues by referring to disciplinary knowledge and skills learnt from your degree;
Section 5. Recommend solution / Suggestions
Section 6. Plan of your career or future study(Must individually complete)
Your report must be submitted electronically through “Turnitin”.
Total words: 3000 words
In order for students to be eligible to submit the Final Project Report AND to receive a pass grade in any Academic Unit, students must meet ALL of the following criteria:
a. Attend at least 50% of scheduled seminar/workshop sessions;
b. Submit the progress report;
c. Achieve an overall mark of at least 50% in the unit**.
Special Consideration section below for more information.
Note** A student who fails the unit but achieves an overall mark of 30% or more will be eligible to resubmit the Project Report.
If a student fails the final exam when a pass in the final exam is required to pass the unit, the maximum total mark that can be awarded for the unit is 44.If a student passes the final exam and the total mark for the unit is between 45 and 49,a conceded pass will be awarded. A conceded pass cannot be awarded to a student who fails the final exam when a pass in the final exam is required to pass the unit.
Failure to meet these required standard swill result in a fail in this unit. The final grades in the unit and in each of the assessment tasks will be allocated according to the following scale:

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