Instruction:Your answer will be judged on ability to use what instructor taught you in every element. Proper citation and referencing are carrying high marks. Plagiarism will be checked before marking. Plagiarized work will receive 0 mark. Deadline 15 th June 2021: All works should be(so I can check plagiarism, only 40% is tolerable) and hard copy at my office.
BUS012 Business Research And Report-Mzumbe University Tanzania.

Choose the problem of your choice which will lead you to a research title of your choice and prepare the research proposal.
What I expect to see in research proposal:
1.1 The Background to the Study
1.2 Problem statement
1.3 The Purpose of the Study or a Statement of the Problem
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Hypotheses (if any)
1.6 Significant of the study
BUS012 Business Research And Report-Mzumbe University Tanzania.

2.Review of the literature
2.1 Definitions of Terms or Operational Definitions
2.2 Concept usage
2.3 Relevant theory
2.4 Conceptual framework
3.Research method
3.1 Population
3.2 Description of the sample
3.3 Sample size determination
3.4 Data collection method
3.5 Variable and measurements description
3.6 Statistical method which will be used for data analysis

Note: All work should have seven pages including references