BUMKT5902 Marketing Management Assignment-Federation University Australia.

Overview of the Assignment
Due: Week 9
Value: 30% (Part A 20%, Part B 10%)
Length: If you decide to complete the assessment individually, 1000 word report, 5 minute video presentation; If you decide to complete the assessment in a group of 2-3 people, 2500 word count and 10 minute video presentation – all members of the group are expected to contribute equally to the report and the recorded presentation.
BUMKT5902 Marketing Management Assignment-Federation University Australia.

BUMKT5902 Marketing Management Assignment-Federation University Australia.

You are required to demonstrate your understanding of marketing theory as it relates to a real world setting.This assessment relates to the content we cover in Topics 4-8, use these lectures and resources as a guide to what you need to consider in your assessment. You will perform better in the assignment if you are able to integrate marketing theory into your analysis and use academic theory to justify your proposals.

Your scenario for Assessment 2: Following on with your consultancy work for your chosen company, you are now required to respond to your client’s desires to launch a new product/service (choose product or service as you deem relevant to your client).

Part A – Report
You are required to prepare a 1500 word report which provides 1) an overview of your market segmentation, targeting and positioning, including a detailed target market avatar, and 2) an overview of your product/service pitch. You will also prepare a 10 minute recorded pitch for your product or service to convince your client this is the way to go.

BUMKT5902 Marketing Management Assignment-Federation University Australia.

BUMKT5902 Marketing Management Assignment-Federation University Australia.

In preparing ths Assessment, you need to demonstrate you have built on your ideas and any feedback received in Assessment 1, use your research from Assessment 1 to justify decisions about your target market avatars, their wants and needs, and similarly, justify the decision you make for your new product/service with this evidence. Of course, you should also bring in new research where relevant.

For this assessment, as you are building on research from Assessment 1 and developing further in this assessment, you should include a minimum of 15 academic references and 6-7 contemporary reputable industry sources.

Part B – Presentation
To complete Part B –you need to prepare and deliver a professional quality presentation to pitch your new product idea to your ‘client’.

The presentation should be based on the content of your report, following a similar structure. Your presentation is assessed on the quality of your presentation and pitching skills, but should still be well- informed and demonstrate your ideas are based on research and evidence.

BUMKT5902 Marketing Management Assignment-Federation University Australia.

BUMKT5902 Marketing Management Assignment-Federation University Australia.

It is expected that students will appear in the recorded presentation – please don’t just read your slides and record the slides. Remember to structure your presentation – a suggested sequence is:
1.Introduction and overview of scope
5.Concluding comments

Submitting the presentation –You will need to pre-record your presentation and submit it via Moodle. Instructions on this process will be provided in Moodle.

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