BUMGT5978 Creative & Critical Thinking Assignment-Federation University Australia.

Description of the Course for Handbook Entry:
Twenty first century leaders need to be flexible, knowledgeable and be able to inspire people to think creatively and critically about the myriad of issues that confront them daily. This course provides its students with knowledge, tools, experience, and support so they can become constructive and reflective agents of change. A sustained focus on individual and organisational learning and the need to apply critical thinking, creative thinking, and reflective practice allows students to develop clarity and confidence to make profound changes in their own learning and in their work places.
BUMGT5978 Creative & Critical Thinking Assignment-Federation University Australia.

BUMGT5978 Creative & Critical Thinking Assignment-Federation University Australia.

Program Level

Delivery Mode
Regular semester
Block mode Workshops


Additional consultation time can be booked by contacting the staff member concerned directly.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course the students are expected to be able to:

K1. Identify ways to confront complex, messy, ambiguous problems, make new connections, with a creative, innovative and critical set of lenses
K2. Determine the elements that foster a creative culture and what distinguishes creative organisations.
K3. Identify, interrogate and challenge the implementation of thinking tools in an organisation.
K4. Distinguish between various sources of information, selecting appropriate authorities to support arguments.
K5. Identify important issues in overcoming resistance to change and implementing new ideas in organisations
K6. understand and differentiate between the technical and adaptive aspects of a challenge

S1. Recognise the need for critical and creative problem solving techniques in the contemporary business environment
S2. Generate alternative ideas, practices, and solutions that are unique and effective
S3. Reframe problems, making new connections, and challenging assumptions
S4. Investigate problem solving tools and techniques to create solutions
S5. Critically evaluate how both creative and critical thinking skills articulate with the scholarly literature

Application of knowledge and skills
A1. Encourage team members to identify and overcome barriers to creativity and innovation in their journey to becoming thought/change leaders
A2. Implement a methodology that overcomes barriers to innovative thinking
A3. Instigate design thinking processes and tools to drive innovation and meet specific challenges
A4. Use tools and techniques developed in the course to evaluate how critical thinking may contribute to elements of the sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)
A5. Apply critical thinking to improve reflective practice

Topics may include:

  • Creativity, problem solving, and strategy
  • Creative writing for Business
  • Understanding creativity and critical thinking
  • Structuring problems
  • Conditions for individual creativity
  • Generating alternatives
  • Design thinking for Business
  • Technologies, Creativity and Innovation
  • Seeing and experiencing different perspectives
  • Working effectively in creative teams
  • Assessing and selecting ideas
  • Building and sustaining creative organizations

V1. Appreciate how to conduct themselves in a business environment in an ethical and socially responsible manner
V2. Appreciate the need for creative and critical thinking skills to solve complex issues in the workplace and community
V3. Appreciate the role that leaders have in creating an environment where creativity and critical thinking is valued

BUMGT5978 Creative & Critical Thinking Assignment-Federation University Australia.

BUMGT5978 Creative & Critical Thinking Assignment-Federation University Australia.

Graduate Attributes
FedUni graduate attributes statement. To have graduates with knowledge, skills and competence that enable them to stand out as critical, creative and enquiring learners who are capable, flexible and work ready, and responsible, ethical and engaged citizens.

Learning Tasks and Assessment

The following tasks will be graded.

Assessment Task 1: Reflective Thinking Task
The following should be provided for each learning task:

The purpose of this task is to focus you on your particular workplace and in particular the ways that people use or don’t use critical and or creative thinking skills in their work. You have been asked to observe where critical and creative skills are utilised in the workplace, then to reflect on the situation, the people and the processes and outcomes and then to offer a critical analysis of the situation(s). This task should take place over the course of the semester and is not due until the end of the semester. It is expected that there would be at least ten but no more than 15 examples.

Each student is required to collect evidence of situations in their workplace where creative and critical skills are used to solve real problems or conversely describe situations where they could have been used but weren’t. A description of the context is required plus a description of the processes (or lack of) used and the outcomes achieved. The student is then required to reflect on the process and offer a critical analysis of the situation based on personal understanding, knowledge and skills.

See attached rubric in appendix 1for assessment criteria
The assessment task will be assessed by the lecturer who will take your class.
No more than 10 hours should be dedicated to this task.
Submission will be via Moodle

Students will receive feedback for this task via the Assessment rubric as well as supplementary written or oral feedback if required

Assessment Task 2: Experiential Activity
Participate in a variety of activities that require application of tools, skills and knowledge both in a classroom setting and in the workplace and report back in class In each session, students will participate in a variety of activities – the staff member will be observing the participation of class members and students will be asked to reflect on the activity in the forum section of Moodle after the class. Other students will be encouraged to respond to other student’s postings in the forum in a respectful, professional manner.

See Rubric in Appendix 2

In this instance the staff member and peers will be the assessors.

Each student is expected to participate in all class activities and comment on one or more via the forum set up in Moodle

No more than 10 hours should be dedicated to this task.

Submission will be via Moodle

Students will receive feedback for this task via the Assessment rubric as well as supplementary written or oral

feedback if required

Assessment Task 3: Individual Think Piece based on the knowledge and skills presented in this course

The following should be provided for each learning task:

This task is an individual task that can be undertaken in a number of modes. The “think piece” is a genre of writing “a bit more thought out” than a free write, but not a formal essay that must be revised.

Ways to consider the think piece:

a) – as a carefully considered letter written to an interested friend, a new or veteran say, who is a big supporter of your journey… You’ll want to convey our ideas to this friend* or colleague in no more than 2 pages).

b) – “a piece of writing which is meant to be thought-provoking and speculative that consists chiefly of background material and personal opinion and analysis.”(No more than 2 pages)

c) a negotiated mode – i.e. using technology or a verbal presentation

This is the major piece and should be underpinned by knowledge & skills developed in the workplace or in class and of an academic standard that reflects a deep understanding of the importance of critical and creative thinking.

Each student is expected to participate in all class activities and comment on one or more via the forum set up in Moodle

Submission details relevant to the task (due date, method of submission etc.)

No more than 200 hours should be dedicated to this task.

Submission will be via Moodle

Students will receive feedback for this task via the Assessment rubric as well as supplementary written or oral

feedback if required

Assessment Task 4: Session Leadership in a creativity/critical thinking environment activity for a group of professionals

In this task, students will be required to lead an activity in class demonstrating; a concept, an idea, an issue, a theory, etc.Each student will prepare a short activity, where they are to share skills and knowledge in one area of critical or creative thinking in a creative way that could be duplicated in a workplace, community or professional environment.

The assessment task will be assessed by the lecturer who will take your class.

No more than 5 hours should be dedicated to this task.

Submission will be via Moodle

.Students will receive feedback for this task via the Assessment rubric as well as supplementary written or oral feedback if required

Submission and Return of Student Work
Student work will be reviewed and marked within an appropriate time period as this is a block mode course

Assistance with Online Submission
Students are often asked to submit assessments online. Here are a few useful links that introduce students to the Turnitin software:

BUMGT5978 Creative & Critical Thinking Assignment-Federation University Australia.

Special Consideration
If students are adversely affected by life circumstances a discretionary assessment extension of up to five University working days for one assessment task may be granted at the discretion of the tutor, lecturer, or course coordinator (dependent on faculty process) upon a direct request by the student via the Discretionary Assessment Extension form.
However if a student has experienced or encountered some form of disadvantage or impediment (medical reasons; hardship/trauma; compassionate grounds; other significant cause) in more than one course and requires more than five working days extension, then they may apply for Special Consideration. For further information on Discretionary Assessment Extensions and Special Consideration, including access to the policy, procedures or associated forms,

Available Grades
A list of the available grades, a description of the corresponding required student performance and the required percentages for the Course is given in the University Handbook.

Academic Integrity
Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one’s own without properly acknowledging that person.Students must not allow other students to copy their work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. In cases of copying, normally all students involved will be penalised equally; an exception will be if the student can demonstrate the work is their own and they took reasonable care to safeguard against copying. Plagiarism is a serious offence. Please refer to the following documents:

Academic Regulations
Supplementary information concerning teaching, learning, and assessment may be provided from time to time in response to unforeseen circumstances. This may include changes in times or location of classes, order of the schedule or due dates for assignments. Announcement of these matters in classes and placement of a notice on the course Moodle page shall be deemed to be official notification. FedUni has a range of educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which you can find at

Student Support
The University provides many different kinds of services to help you gain the most from your studies. You can see the list of Student Services Students who have a disability or medical condition are welcome to contact the Disability Liaison Unit to discuss academic support services. The role of the DLU is to support the development of a learning and working environment that maximise participation in University life by students with a disability

BUMGT5978 Creative & Critical Thinking Assignment-Federation University Australia.

Learning Management System
This course makes use of Moodle to support your learning. You can access Moodle from the FedUni home page If you do not have access for this course you should notify your course co-ordinator immediately

Late Assignment
Assessment tasks submitted after the due date, without prior approval/arrangement, will be penalised at 10% of the available marks per day. Requests for extension of time must be made with the lecturer concerned and based on Special Consideration guidelines

Note that some material in lectures, assignments and other resources provided to students may contain direct quotations from the text book(s) and references listed.

The following is an approximate guide to the sequence of topics in this course.

BUMGT5978 Creative & Critical Thinking Assignment-Federation University Australia.

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