Assessment Task 1 details
Assessment Task Title: Planning a complex document: Formal business report
Instructions: Select one of the following legal organisations:
Neigh bour hood Justice Centre
Community Legal Centres
The Victoria Law Foundation
When you have chosen your organisation, you are required to plan (Assessment 1), draft (Assessment 2) and edit (Assessment 3) a formal report on this topic.
BSBWRT411 Planning A Complex Document Formal Business Report Victoria University Australia.

Assessment 1: Planning a formal report
Answer each part of the following questions in question and answer format, relevant to the selected business.
1.Determine the purpose of the report
a. The audience for your report will be the general public rather than internal staff, or legal industry professionals. How will this affect the content and writing style of your report?
b. How can organisation policies and procedures affect the report format, content, or release process?
2.Determine the colour and style of your report
Your report format should be linked to the corporate style, images and colours of your chosen organisation.
a. List the font name, size, colour, bold/un bold, and paragraph spacing for each heading level:
heading 1:
heading 2:
heading 3:
normal text – also include line spacing details
b. Describe your report cover design:
Report title
Colour theme – link to the organisation
Type of image or photo you plan to use
Why is it important to use an image or logo in ‘Creative Commons’
c. What will be written in the document:
BSBWRT411 Planning A Complex Document Formal Business Report Victoria University Australia.

3.Establish the most appropriate method of communication
a) What software will you use to write, save and backup your document?
o MS Office, PDF, Cloud, USB, etc. – justify the reasons for your choice
b) Describe your preferred method of distributing a formal report to 20 people in locations across Victoria. Justify your choice.
4.Determine the requirements of the report.
a. Why is it necessary to re-read and edit your work, using spell check and grammar check?
b. Why is it necessary to set your MS Word software to English (Australia)?
c. Why is it necessary to reference your sources of information?
d. Which method of referencing are you required to use in this report?
Documents to submit
Typed answer sheet for questions in question and answer format. Type each question,immediately followed by the answer. Also refer to the instructions for submitting assessments section in this document.
Criteria for Satisfactory Performance of the Task
Your teacher will evaluate your work according to the criteria for satisfactory performance of the task listed below. If you wish to, you may use the “self-assess” column to evaluate your own performance against each criterion.
BSBWRT411 Planning A Complex Document Formal Business Report Victoria University Australia.

ASSESSMENT TASK 1: Planning a complex document
1.Determine audience, purpose and requirements of document according to organisation policies and procedures (1.1)
2.Determine required format, style and structure for document (1.2)
3.Establish method of communication (1.3)
4.Develop content overview of document (1.4)
5.Determine categories and logical sequence of data, information according to proposed structure, content and document requirements (1.5)
6.Develop overview of structure and content of documents (KE)
7.Identify the enterprise style guide/house style (KE)
8.Outline formatting styles and their impact on formatting, readability and appearance of documents (KE)
9.Using headings and subheadings to form categories and local sequences of information (KE)
10.Explain rules and conventions for written English, as defined by general and specialist sources (KE)