BSBSUS501 Assignment 2 Develop Workplace Policy And Procedures For Sustainability – Orange International College AU.

Subject Code & Title : BSBSUS501 Develop Workplace Policy And Procedures For Sustainability
Assessment Type : Assignment 2
Assessment Task 2: Case study
For this task you are required to answer the case study questions to demonstrate your knowledge of:
i. Sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
ii. Workplace policies and review processes.
iii. Effective monitoring of the implementation of workplace policies and processes.
iv. Policy consultation and evaluation methods.
BSBSUS501 Assignment 2 Develop Workplace Policy And Procedures For Sustainability – Orange International College AU.

BSBSUS501 Assignment 2 Develop Workplace Policy And Procedures For Sustainability - Orange International College AU.

Resources And Equipment Required To Complete This Task :-
1. Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
2. Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required).
3. Pompoms Hotel Waste Management Policy
4. Access to the following websites:

When And Where Should The Task Be Completed?
1. This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable).
2. Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

What Needs To Be Submitted?
a. Your answers to all questions formatted in a word processed document.

Instructions :-
Read the case study below and answer all questions correctly.

Pompoms Hotel :
You work as the manager of Pompoms Hotel, a 200-room hotel located in Melbourne.

You have been instructed to review the hotel’s waste management policy and investigate the current use of resources at the hotel.

Sustainable awareness in the workplace is not one of your strengths, leading you to undertake some research on relevant regulatory requirements before moving forward.

As a consultative manager, you thought it beneficial for your work group to participate in the review and arranged an
information session to discuss the topic further.

During the information session, you discovered some passion amongst workers for sustainability and gathered some useful ideas enabling you to set targets and commence work on developing a plan of action.

Question 1 :-
a) List one piece of legislation, one regulation and one code of practice that relate to environmental issues in this work place. Explain the compliance requirements of each.
b) Explain how this information can be used to develop a sustainability policy.

BSBSUS501 Assignment 2 Develop Workplace Policy And Procedures For Sustainability – Orange International College AU.

BSBSUS501 Assignment 2 Develop Workplace Policy And Procedures For Sustainability - Orange International College AU.

Question 2 :-
c) Read the Pompoms Hotel Waste management policy. Review the policy identifying areas where Pompoms Hotel can
improve their practices.
d) Describe the general procedure for seeking approval to change current policies.
e) List five stakeholders you could seek input from when setting objectives and targets. For each example provide the type of input they may provide.

Question 3 :-
List three approaches you could apply in the workplace to assess compliance with sustainability practices.

Question 4 :-
Describe how you could measure and document current resource usage for the following at Pompoms Hotel.
i. Paper
ii. Energy such as electricity
iii. Transportation
iv Wastage.
A minimum of one example for each item is required.

Pompoms Hotel continued :-
After conducting research and consulting with relevant people you have developed a plan of action. You are now ready to implement your changes although, cautious of your actions and how they may impact on others. Having seen a number of systems fail due to the way they were introduced and implemented in the past you decided to evaluate this process.

As part of your implementation plan, you have decided to provide an ongoing monitoring program and evaluation process.

Question 5 :-
Describe the approach you would take as manager to communicate the changes, including assigned responsibilities, proposed outcomes and activities to both your team and senior management.

BSBSUS501 Assignment 2 Develop Workplace Policy And Procedures For Sustainability – Orange International College AU.

BSBSUS501 Assignment 2 Develop Workplace Policy And Procedures For Sustainability - Orange International College AU.

Question 6 :-
Describe how you would support your team during this project.

Question 7 :-
f) Describe how you would monitor the new waste management procedures and how you would report the progress to management and staff.
g) List at least five pieces of key information you would include in your evaluation tool.

Question 8 :-
List three strategies you could implement to evaluate the overall project.

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