Unit Code & Title : BSBSUS501 Develop Workplace Policy And Procedures For Sustainability
Assignment Type : Assessment 3 Task 3
Task Summary :- The task is divided into three parts:
1. Part A: Review sustainable practices
2. Part B: Develop a policy
3. Part C: Policy review and consultation.
BSBSUS501 Assessment 3 Develop Workplace Policy And Procedures For Sustainability – Orange International College AU.

Resources And Equipment Required To Complete This Task :-
i. Computer and Microsoft Office.
ii. Access to the Internet for research.
iii. Access to a classroom as a simulated environment.
iv. Access to classmates for group task work.
v. Access to a business/operational environment (any workplace).
vi Access to an employee of a business/operational environment for consultative purposes.
vii. Access to The Outcome Report Template (provided by assessor)
When And Where Do I Need To Complete This Task?
1. Part A – Part of this task involves visiting a business/operational environment. Students can do the written part of this task in their own time as homework or in class (where applicable).
2. Part B – Students can do these tasks in their own time as homework. Policy review will be completed in pairs in class.
3. Part C – Part of this task involves visiting a business/operational environment to consult with an employee. Students can do the written part of this task in their own time as homework or in class (where applicable)
4. Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.
What Do I Need To Submit?
1. Part A – A completed sustainability assessment report.
2. Part B – A completed policy on sustainable practice.
3. Part C – Three completed survey/questionnaires and a completed outcome report.
Part A – Conduct A Sustainability Assessment :
For this task, you are required to assess sustainable practices in one business/operational environment of your choice.
For this task, you are required to choose one business/operational environment and investigate their current sustainability practices. This may be your workplace or any other workplace of your choice.
1.Obtain permission from the manager to conduct a sustainability audit. Explain this is for your assessment purposes only.
2.Walk around your chosen business to analyse and safely assess the physical environment. You may be required to have a discussion with the manager or an employee to obtain relevant information.
BSBSUS501 Assessment 3 Develop Workplace Policy And Procedures For Sustainability – Orange International College AU.

A. Areas for review include: water, waste, energy and chemical use.
B. For each area, describe the area of sustainability including any implemented practices, the type of resources in place
to support sustainable practices, the impacts/outcomes of current practices etc. Sample questions have been provided for you to consider when completing your assessment.
3.Use the template provided to complete your assessment. Space has been provided for you to provide your response. Add more space where required.
4.Submit your sustainability assessment to your assessor. Your assessor will advise as to whether you must email them
your completed assessment, submit the file on a USB drive or hand in a hard copy.
Sustainability assessment report :

Part B – Develop A Sustainability Policy
For this task, you are required to develop a sustainability policy. Complete this task after you have completed Part A.
1.Select one area of sustainable practice in the workplace that you have assessed in Part A that could be improved. Based on that gap identified, develop a sustainability policy that could be used to address that problem.
a. Use the template included in this document your policy.
b. Ensure that your policy reflects the organisation’s commitment to sustainability.
c. Include appropriate strategies to minimise resource use, reduce toxic/hazardous materials and chemicals.
d. Develop the policy in consideration of effectiveness, time frames and cost.
2.Swap policies with one of your classmates.
A. Review each other’s policies and give each other constructive feedback on the structure, content, outcomes and
practicality of each policy.
B. Discuss feedback and negotiate on agreed changes.
Note: Your assessor will observe your discussion to ensure that you are using appropriate communication techniques, including active listening and questioning skills to confirm understanding.
C. Take notes of feedback, including agreed on improvements to be made.
D. Make required changes to your policy based on the feedback you have received and agreed with.
3.Submit your sustainability policy and feedback notes. Your assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your completed assessment, submit the file on a USB drive or hand in a hard copy.

Part C – Policy Review And Consultation
For this task, you are required to conduct a review of one existing policy and procedure on sustainable practices in a
business/operational environment.
1.Research and access one business/operational environment and organise a time to speak with a staff member employed at the workplace.
Your assessor may be able to guide you in finding a workplace to approach. You may be working yourself (in this case
you can have a discussion with a colleague) or you may know someone (friend/family member) who currently works who could help you with this task.
a. Explain the purpose of your assessment and organise a suitable time to discuss one of their workplace’s existing
sustainability policies and procedures.
b. Prior to your discussion, you will need to review the sustainability policy that you plan to discuss. You may need to
obtain permission from management to access and read the policy and procedure.
2.Develop a short questionnaire to guide you to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the policy.
a.Suggestions of areas to assess could include: the benefits and challenges of each practice, whether they believe
they are effective/ could be followed correctly in the workplace, the expected outcomes of the policy and what
aspects of the practice and policy could be improved. Refer to the outcome report template as a guide to developing
your own questionnaire.
BSBSUS501 Assessment 3 Develop Workplace Policy And Procedures For Sustainability – Orange International College AU.

3.Participate in the discussion/feedback session. Ask the employee the questions that you have developed in your
1. Once you have gathered the information and feedback, report on the outcome using the template provided in this
4.Submit your completed questionnaire and report to your assessor. Your assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your completed assessment, submit the file on a USB drive or hand in a hard copy.
NOTE: You will also be reviewing the policies developed by fellow classmates and providing feedback on their policies.